My Introduction Post

in Hive Learners3 years ago

Hello everyone, How is everyone Hope everybody is well. I am also much better in your prayers.

Today I came to post my own introduction. I hope everyone will like it.

Basic Intro


My name is Mahir Shahriar Ivan. Everyone calls me Mahir. I am a student. I have not finished my studies yet. My studies are stuck for Corona


I passed Inter from Rangpur Carmichael College in 2021. And now I am preparing to be admitted to the university. Now I stay in Dhaka. I have spent most of my student life in Rangpur.


There are 4 members in our family. Me, dad, mom, sister. By the grace of Allah we have a very happy family. My father is an employee, my father works in a very good position in a good company. My mother is not a housewife. My sister is now studying MBA at Mohammadpur Central College.

My Mom and Dad


My sister


My Hobby

I am a student so reading books is a hobby of mine. As well as reading books I love to write. I like to inform about new things, I love to inform people about new things through my writing. Photography is one of my hobbies. I love to take pictures. I always try to capture something beautiful on camera.


Thank You Everyone

stay home stay safe

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