Is social media good or bad for our relationships?

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Greetings, my dear friends of Hive Learners Community. This is week 16 and edition 2 of Hive learners Community. Today is my 2 post of this week and the topic of this post is Social Media on Relationships.


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Dear friends all people use social media nowadays. Nowadays digital age and everyone has mobile and everyone is attached to social media. Old or young, everyone has a touch mobile and somehow uses social media. Social media has brought people all over the world together and all the people have fallen together because of social media. Dear friends, social media has many advantages over our relationship and besides, social media has many disadvantages on our relationship.

The advantages of our social media relationships are that we can sit in one country and chat with our other friends and spend our time without any hesitation. Besides, another advantage of social media is that if Social media is a very important thing if we want to get married abroad.

Every year people get married from one country to another with the help of social media and this is an important way to build a relationship and all this is done with the help of social media. So the benefit of social media is that we marry with the other people of this world and create relationships with them with the help of social media.

And if we talk about the disadvantages of social media that we have put on our relationships, they are too much. Now everyone is too busy because of social media and no one takes the time to sit with their loved ones. He uses social media all the time which is a big disadvantage. Social media has personally cut us from our relatives and now we are so used to it.

I am very worried that when my father comes home in the evening he does not sit with us but he starts using his mobile. My sister starts using her mobile and I start using my mobile. In the same way we can't give each other time which is a huge loss of social media that it has put on our relationships. Thanks to social media, we are connected to the digital world, but if we look on the other part of the story, it has taken us away from our loved ones.


 2 years ago  

Everyone is on their mobile phones these days and no one seems to notice.
Thank you for sharing.

 2 years ago  

Improper use of social media can ruin our life but its usage in a limit can provide us engagement,fun and good relationship.
Thanks for sharing.

Everyone is indeed too busy these days, they have something or the other to do online and their physical relationships suffer as a result. We all need to remember our priorities and make sure they are set straight.
Thank you for sharing this with us.