Proverbs can be helpful to us

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Greetings, My dear Hivians of Hive Learners community. This is week 19 and edition 3 of Hive learners contests. Today is Saturday and my 3rd post of this week and the topic of this post is Proverb.


Image taken from Pixabay

Dear friends, I have been listening to proverbs since childhood and sayings play a very important role in our lives that we learn a lot from proverbs because they teach us a lot. I have also noticed that people who stick to an old saying never waste their hard work and live a successful life. Now I will tell you about a saying that happened to me in my life.

Friends this saying is very famous and we call this saying that "Practice makes a man perfect". Friends, almost 4 years ago when I was studying in 8th standard, I found the subject of mathematics very difficult because it has been very difficult for me since the beginning. In the subject of mathematics I have been failing since the beginning because I did not understand it at all.


Image taken from Pixabay

After that I got admitted in class 9 and maths for that class was even more difficult. I used to try so hard to understand it, but it didn't make sense to me at all. One day I said to my teacher, Sir, why I don't know maths, I work so hard. My teacher advised me to practice because practice makes a man perfect.

Following my teacher's advice I practiced maths a lot and practiced it day and night I practiced it till it started coming to me then gradually I started to understand it. After hard work and practice I became very proficient in this subject and remembered my teacher's lesson that practice really makes a man perfect. That's why I would also advise you that if you feel any problem in doing something, then you should practice it as much as possible because with practice you can do that thing well, whatever it is.



 2 years ago  

yup you are absolutely right. With practice, the skills we have will grow. Everyone can do anything as long as they practice diligently and continue to believe in themselves

Yeah... when we keep doing something over and over, working hard so we get better at it, in time it will become so easy for us that we would not feel any difficulty when doing it. That is the power of consistency.
Thank you for sharing this with us.