If I ask you what is the most valuable resource in the world

in Hive Learners2 years ago

If you are asked what you would say is the most valuable thing in the world, you must be talking about different types of wealth but never really what is the most valuable wealth in the world.


Happiness is the most valuable asset in the world. There are millions of buyers but the only one who sells is the great Lord Almighty. Everything in the world except happiness can be bought for money. The only thing that cannot be bought is happiness. Happiness is a thing that catches everyone and not everyone gets this feeling of happiness.

The happy man in this world who is actually living in peace and tranquility is no problem, no quarrel, no worries, no worries, no fear.

Notice that we have a lot of rich people in this society who have a lot of wealth, their wealth is so much that I can't count it, but go inside and see how much that person is trying to have so much wealth in the hope of a little happiness. Yet that person is not happy at all.

He is worried about how he will be happy, he is worried about the wealth he has, and this fear is the reason why he cannot be happy. Gail then tried to reunite the family, but the gap in the middle could not be filled for a long time, for which she would never be happy.

Again you will see a poor farmer who does not even have a house. He lives in a broken house. He works as a day laborer with water on other people's land. The thing is not caught by everyone. Today, people are running from far and wide in the hope of a little happiness in the hope of a little happiness.

That is why I have said at the beginning that everyone is the buyer of this happiness but the seller is only one who will never get happiness if he does not sell to you, so even if you have a lot of wealth, it is not possible.

I hope you like our little words, friends, everyone will be fine, stay healthy, thank you

 2 years ago  

I agree with you ―happiness means the most―the happiness that happens reasonlessly.