in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)


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 2 years ago  

I have also felt unfair when I strive to make quality posts that are not valued while others who seem to have not put so much effort into them receive large votes. But Hive is a sum of everything, and you have to play and learn as you go. A few weeks ago it suddenly started to go very well for me, I thought it was because I had reached a certain reputation, but I had days that I could not publish and I went to the floor again.

Not everything is as you think, so it is better not to look at the neighbor and concentrate on your own work. I don't know if they advised you to publish several times a day, but I advise you to only do it once a day and something worthwhile and look for strong communities and take care of making a life there and interacting with its members.

 2 years ago  

Do not focus on it, and think that maybe you are wrong. Look, a person who, with hard work, manages to earn the respect and admiration of others. Then no one will question and put such a magnifying glass on his work because he has always done it well, then it is already assumed that each job from now on will be the same. That's why I tell you the important thing is to earn a reputation, not to think that these people simply have important friends, but that at the time they worked hard to earn that friend. So we can all achieve that, kind of fast. Thinking, this will make the road less heavy for us 😉.

 2 years ago  

You really applied most of the markdowns thought in the tutorial in this content.

Better student, bravo!!!

 2 years ago  

Learning from me? What do I even know 🤔

 2 years ago  

You did a great job here, especially in applying the markdowns. Am not surprise at all, I know you can do more. Kudos

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 2 years ago  

You have used all the markdown, so which one should we that have not written use 😂??

Nice post bro.

 2 years ago  

Applying markdowns in a tutorial post for us, thanks brother for sharing
I am happy about your experience so far on Hive

 2 years ago  

Plagiarism really doesn't look nice.
Vote begging isn't ideal rather.

You've been able to use those markdowns well.

Well done.

 2 years ago  

I also feel compelled to share some of my sad reality: it appears that the system is devolving a little and now simply cares about engagement while ignoring quality. Don't get me wrong: both quality and engagement are critical, but the right balance must be struck

I've also had this thought, I guess a lot of people have and I must say it cannot be helped. No one wants to keep on making quality posts and not get upvotes. Sometimes it feels like they care more about people they'll benefit back from and for sure it's normal because that's how real life works. At the end of the day they're pretty great authors who get upvoted on a daily basis and I've observed why, they're fucking consistent!, And they're always dropping comments on other people's posts, surely it'll pay off eventually bro, keep doing you.

Its great to see you're putting the markdown into good use, I think you even made use of every one listed in that video, great work!

I love how fluent you are with your writing, great post, keep it up!

 2 years ago  

Anytime my friend, have a good morning ❤️✅

At first, without reading through your post, I love the way your post is arranged with the use of markdowns on your posts.

Engagement while ignoring quality.

In Hive, Quality matters but it is not enough to get people to see your post that is why engagement is important.

Build connections why you maintain quality. Everybody talks about posting everyday but can they balance engaging with people effectively while maintaining a Highly quality post if they publish everyday?

I don't publish everyday for a reason because content creation is hard and it is stuff to maintain quality if you publish everyday not to talk about the time needed to make quality engagement?

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

There is no attention tuned to engagement it is just how it is and what is needed.

Engagement brings visibility and quality contents without visibility equals
