Week 101 - Edition 03 Topic THE NEXT ANNIVERSARY

in Hive Learners4 months ago

Losing someone we care about can have a profound impact on us. It's a deeply emotional experience that can leave us feeling a mix of sadness, grief, and even disbelief. When someone we love passes away, it can feel like a piece of our own heart has been taken away.

Loosing my dearest friend years back,has affected me in various ways.Emotionally I feel empty and overwhelmed with sadness and struggling to come to terms with the reality of her death absence.

i find myself reminiscing about the memories we shared, cherishing the moments we had together, and feeling a deep sense of longing for her presence.

Her death has affected me mentally and physically. i find it difficult to concentrate or focus on daily tasks. Sleep patterns disrupted, and appetite affected.

Reflecting on the impact she had on my life and the lessons she taught me can bring comfort and help me navigate through the grieving process, i feel a wide range of emotions as I navigate through the grieving process.

The death of my dearest friend has also affected me cognitively , cognitive challenges like finding it hard to concentrate,make decisions and at times remember things. my
mind feel foggy and preoccupied with thoughts of her demise. I also withdraw from social activities or isolate myself from others.

The pain of loss can make it difficult to engage in everyday interactions or find joy in previously enjoyed activities.

Changes in Perspective: Losing someone close can bring about a shift in priorities and values. It has led me to reevaluate my life relationships, and goals, seeking a deeper understanding of what truly matters to me.

Spiritual Reflection: The death of my friend often prompts me to reflect on the meaning of life, beliefs, and their own mortality. It has lead me to questions about the purpose of life and the existence of an afterlife.

For the preparation for her remembrance, it can be a time to honor and celebrate her life. I might consider gathering with other friends and loved ones to share stories, memories, and support. It can be helpful to create a meaningful tribute that reflects her personality and the impact she had on those around her,which will be on the 25th of February