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RE: Keeping water clean and safe

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Water filtration system is one of the easiest, although we can't be assured of 100% result compare to other methods but that does a long way than taking unhealthy water.

My concerned advice @vickiee 💖, before engaging in any community, always try to go through community rules.

It's important and necessary in order to do the right things. The first step in Hive Learners is membership verification. Just kindly go through the community and do the needful darling. I don't know of I'm mistaken to say you are yet to do so.


You aren't mistaking. I tried to do verification a while back and I was asked to try it after some months that I can't be verified at that point.
I talked to my referrer and she said I should keep posting them do verification again after sometime that before they verify you, they will check how active you've been on their page, so I had to be active to get verified.

I would have done the verification process, but I don't have time. I'll do it today though as it's public holiday I'm not going anywhere. I hope I'll be verified and not asked to try it again. Thanks for the advice though @marynn

 2 months ago  

It's fine dear. I wish you best of luck. Happy New Month dear.

Thanks. Happy new month to you also.