The Value of Self-Denial

in Hive Learners11 months ago

Grooming myself to understand the advantage of self-discipline and self-denial has been helpful in accomplishing my set out goals. I have come to realize that relying on others may fail, so I choose to rely on myself and practice self-denial to accomplish my set out goals.

There are two important goals I want to achieve in the coming year, and I have put in so much thought and time in seeing how to make that possible. The first is saving up for my Nigerian Youth Service Corps (NYSC) service, and the second is starting my own business. To make these goals a reality, I knew that financial preparation was important, so I began saving every available amount.

Each month, when I receive my salary, I make it a duty to save greater portion of it. The truth is that it is not easy, knowing there are so many things I desire to use money for. However, reminding myself of the bigger picture ahead and the importance of these goals in my life keeps me striving to accomplish it.

To achieve these goals, I have had to deny myself certain expenses and fun activities. The remaining portion of my salary is allocated towards my wants while I await for the next month to continue the process. Knowing that I don't buy these needs on a monthly basis as I get them in bulk helps me in overcoming those moments of weakness as I use the amount I have left to give myself self treats, this is a way of celebrating my staying committed to my set of goals.

Self-denial also extends to my meals. Instead of having full square meals, I have adopted a more frugal approach, making do with smaller portions. The temptation to buy food as I used was a challenge that took me time to overcome. However, my ability to understand that these sacrifices are temporary and vital for my future success.


I can proudly say that my self-denial has been yielding positive results. To further enforce my commitment, I have utilized a savings app that restricts access to my funds until a predetermined date. This journey has made me realize the valuable lessons in perseverance, determination, and resilience. Self-denial may not be easy no doubt, but it helps us towards our goals at a faster pace. It helps us prioritize what is truly important and what is worth waiting for because of the reward ahead.

With being strong, focusing on the brighter aspect, and trusting that the sacrifices will be rewarded, I encourage everyone to believe in their ability to achieve and overcome any obstacles they encounter.

I will say that practicing self-denial has been transformative in my journey towards achieving my goals. This has made me realize the value of discipline, priority, perseverance and commitment. With commitment and resilience in the rewards that lie ahead, we can conquer whatever challenges come our way. The truth is that starting won't be easy as they would be lots of temptations but with the above said,accomplishing whatever goal(s) is possible.

 11 months ago  

Looks like we have a similar goal; I'm also saving for my nysc. Nysc isn't easy and a person will need to be ready financially for it. It's great that you have a good Saving habit and you follow it Judiciously, you will be able to achieve your goal sooner than later.

 11 months ago  

Thank you dear for your kind words and encouragement.

Preparing for NYSC requires one to be financially stable. Wishing you the very best in your own saving goal.

 11 months ago  

Beyond sacrifices, you've learnt to be frugal. Ensuring your focus is on a main goal while striving through the immediate needs

 11 months ago  

Yeah, being frugal has taught me the advantage of prioritizing my main goal while still addressing immediate needs. Being able to distinguish between wants and needs.

 11 months ago  

Nice one