My Introduction To Hive Learners Community

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hi everyone...?

Hi all hive friends. How are you I hope you are fine and all activities go according to plan. Yes, According to the provisions and the goodness of the community, on this occasion I would like to write my self-introduction again. Of course, there are some of my friends who have known me before, but to get to know them better, it's not wrong for me to try to share a summary of myself. Hope this is fun.


My real name: maulidar as the owner of the ID account profile hive @maulidar , I come from Indonesia as a resident of the Aceh archipelago, precisely in North Aceh. I am 27 years old, I have been married and have been a wife since 2018. I already have one son who is approximately 3 years old. My job is as a housewife who wants to find entertainment in hives.

So far the existence of hive blockchain is no longer a stranger in my place, especially in my village, I heard news about hive from one of the relatives in my village @adi.pisces and @muksa who has being my senior who likes to share interesting things in the village and without hesitation I always ask questions about things hives going on until now which is a little different from the many women in the village.😀🥰


It's been 10 months since I've known and been part of a new hive blockchain family for myself, but I was on a hiatus for a few months after logging in with the hectic schedule of coming from one of the families, after normal, Then I went back and started work until I am here until my current work and I feel happy to be able to share while learning and meeting good people who I consider in hive family.

In the last few months I've been actively posting articles of my work in several communities on Hive but thanks to the invitation of @adi.pisces who brought me to this community, just before #HiveLearners progress was changed, I'm very happy to be well received here as a blog start. in the community by expanding my original content ideas or results every day.

Apart from being a housewife I also have a hobby or my favorite in the field of cooking, preparing food recipes for pleasure at home and caring for flower plants, to be precise I really like flowers, this is very fun for me who always sees the beauty of nature and other unique things that I find in the village myself of course.






Because I'm new to hive blockchain and don't have much experience about crypto. Honestly, I still can't solve the misuse of crypto which is very difficult for me, maybe with the progress of this community I can learn more from old Hive Learners members, hopefully I can easily understand the function of crypto by learning and understanding more deeply from friends.

I want to share and seek experiences and grow with the community, so my hope is the growth of the HiveLearners community is very important because HiveLearners brings us change for the better by reuniting with the progress of the community that connects with other hivers, this is amazing.

That's all, a little from my self-introduction in the HIVE LEARNERS community, hopefully we will be more familiar with expanding the idea as hivers. Whatever the reason, I want to stay in touch with my friends at hive.




Welcome to join this beloved community.
Hope you can show the best here.

 2 years ago  

Thanks you very much 🙏☺️

 2 years ago  

Welcome @maulidar.
Have a nice day here.

 2 years ago  

Thanks you very much😊

 2 years ago  

Welcome dek maulidar

 2 years ago  


Hi, I am a fellow student of the #hivelearners community. I have just read your #hl-intro post, and have posted mine in the community as well. Yours is now the third intro post that I have read today, and all have been from Aceh province in Indonesia! Is everyone in Aceh on the HIVE blockchain? 🤯

Your food photos look nice. What have you cooked there? All the best for your studies with the Hive Learners community. See you in class!

 2 years ago  

and have posted mine in the community as well.

🤔🤔 you mean i copy, that's not possible
. I haven't seen you before, so how did it happen.

we also don't understand about it, as I said in the blockchain hive article, it's no stranger to my village. so I know this as I mentioned that person above. about cuisine there are two delicious menu choices, taucho and curry, we can easily find the menu by clicking on the menu. thank you for visiting.

🤔🤔 you mean i copy, that's not possible
. I haven't seen you before, so how did it happen.

No, sorry, I did not say that you copied mine. I just said that I have posted mine as well, in case you want to look at my post, it is in the #hl-intro tag.

 2 years ago  

oooo like that, I apologize for this misunderstanding, maybe with me translating a changed language, therefore I misunderstood, I apologize for all this..🙏🙏