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RE: A Day in the Feline Life: Celebrating My Adorable Cats

in Hive Learners8 months ago

Assalamu Alaikum friend very nice to see the cat. From eating and drinking Iftar to sleeping, you take care of him enough. You are very responsible. I think you have a lot of love for an animal which you have shown through the pictures at different stages. It is truly unparalleled. I like cats very much. One day, a storm was coming to our house, suddenly a cat entered through the window, its body was very wet with rain water. I wiped the cat's body with the tola I had at home. And gave some dry food and boiled some fish. He was very hungry and ate to his heart's content. The provision remained with me long after the rain stopped. He left our house in the blink of an eye. The love I have seen for your cat reminds me of this little thing I am sharing with you. Thank you very much and congratulations friend for completing a wonderful post.