Photography of some moments of traveling to Mama's house

in Hive Learners2 years ago

My Dear friends
I am @mdemonhabib from Bangladesh
Today is Tuesday, may 31/2022

How are you all, my dear friends? Hope everybody is healthy and well I'm fine too. In fact, yesterday I went to my uncle's house to fetch jackfruit. Since I live in the village, our area is rich in fruits ranging from jackfruits to mangoes, bananas, bananas, dates and these fruits meet our needs very well.

Goes. Today I went to visit my uncle's house and I had a lot of new experiences and my uncle gave me some jackfruit to eat. My Mama Der: Jackfruit is very good in the area and I also love to eat jackfruit. Jackfruit is our national fruit. Since I went to my uncle's house with my bicycle, I tied the jackfruit to the bicycle with a good rope and then rode home on my bicycle.

I am going to share some photography of that moment with you, I hope you all will like it a lot.

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  • This is a school garden in Mama area. I saw a lot of flowers in this garden. The flowers looked very nice so I made a photocopy.
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  • This is the road. I did a photography of the road I took to my uncle's house. It's nice to ride a bike on the road.
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  • I saw a jackfruit tree while coming along the road. I was very happy to see the jackfruit tree so I stopped for a while near the jackfruit tree and took some time to do some photography.
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  • This is school photography inside. It was really nice to go to school and I was able to enjoy a lot of things. It was really nice.
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  • This is my bicycle that I used to travel. I love cycling.
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  • I don't know the names of these trees. If you know, you can tell me. Finally, thank you so far.

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Photography deviceInfinix hot 11s