Embracing AI As A Means To An End.

in Hive Learners28 days ago (edited)

It high time we come to terms with the radical revolving of technological advancement of this new age rather than being in "shock of the new". The stone age is long gone and is no more coming back to us, no matter how long we live to deny it.
No doubt, AI (Artificial intelligence) is gradually taking over many jobs, rendering some professions insignificant and hereby increasing the rate of unemployment since most firms, industries and organisations now depends on it capability to automate tasks consequentially, making the performance of duties,tasks and responsibilities easier and faster.
Are we then going to leave our planet " Earth " for another to "High Intelligence Machines" created by likes of us? Here's my answer.

Some time ago, a colleague of mine in the finance industry was telling me how AI lost it highly rated intelligence while in attempt to analyse basic financial transactions although,we did jestfully laughed about it but deep down within me, i knew it time to "up our games" because, whether we like it or not, we can't stop the change coming at us rather we should preparedly embrace it to our advantage.
How are we sure we are gonna survive,if we leave for another planet and not be on our heels for another departure? It has now come to the survival of the fittest,how fit are for a survival?

Admittedly, many jobs will get flushed down the drain by AI in few decades to this time however, i can categorically tell you that, there are professions which will never go extinct no matter what. Below are few of them.

• PROGRAMMERS : Robotic machines carry out tasks based on automated programmed instructions encoded by a programmer. Invariably, programmers are more like the brain box behind AI hence, I do not see them losing their jobs to it instead,I see them gainfully getting more employed in the nearest future.
• CYBERNETICIST : Attacks on cyber space is on the rise even as technology is rapidly growing therefore,there's need to equip more people on
security against electronic attacks such as cyberwarfare or cyberterrorism.
• DATA ANALYST: Every small and large organisation receives and stores data and as such want to ensures proper and accurate analyses of these data(s). Oh well, AI can do this i guess, but can it analyse it data? I doubt.

In this part of the world, only few lucky ones get to study what they want to study and luckiest,if they get to practice what they studied. There are a lot of practicing bankers in the banking industry that studied botany while in school and many other professions like that. This is so, not because they don't want to but because, the labour market has no place for them therefore, many are holding down jobs just to make ends meet. Is career birthed out of studying or accidental professionalism? So far it pays the bills who cares....

© Medemausi

This is my entry for #mayinleo prompt day 21

Picture Source: Pexel

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