An Unpleasant Aftermath For Taking Loan

in Hive Learners2 months ago

At first when I saw this topic, I thought I wouldn't be sharing any experience as I've never had to take any loan before and even I have which I don't remember, I don't have any bad experiences with it. Loans and debts go hand in hand and one has to be very careful not to be in a debt that can't be paid.

As I've read in someone's title, it wouldn't be a bad loan if the means to pay back went as planned before taking the loan. A lot of people in debt today didn't plan for it, they thought they would be able to pay as promised but the hope they had was taken away.

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Because of scenarios like that, even good loans can turn bad loans and the debtor have to bear or overcome the aftermath of such a loan. I have an experience I'll love to share, it isn't my own personal experience but I was a witness to one very close to me, a good loan that turned bad without an early realisation.

Permit me to not share who the person is exactly as I feel it isn't necessary but the lessons learnt from this experience. So I witness a big buy from a shop that allows "Buy and pay small small", an installment payment and you get to take the item home for use.

This individual bought a nice phone with this opportunity having it in mind that her monthly salary and side hustle money will sort the payment even before the deadline given to her. The process to take this item home involved submitting active numbers of her relatives or friends who can vouch for her that she would pay the money.

She didn't see any issues coming from this process since she thought she had it covered and so she submitted about three numbers, her hubby, her daughter and a close friend of hers. It was all joys as she made use of the new phone and not bothering about the possibility of not paying before deadline.

Out of six months, she paid four months thinking it's remaining two months but somehow the app where she pays to was asking for an extra month payment. Sadly, it's about time she paid her monthly fee but no money available to pay and they increased to an extra month. It was in the agreement but she had overlooked it or didn't read it well enough.

So missing a month's payment meant an extra month added to the set date agreement, the loan became hell for her as another month's payment time approaches and she had no money prepared for it. Her last resort was selling the phone she had bought from them which she had paid more than half for and paid back all their balance fee.


She was back to having no phone and no money to get even a small one, it was a definition of falling into a bad loan. If she had knew she wouldn't be able to meet up with the payment, maybe she would have applied for a smaller phone or not take a phone loan at all.

I can still remember how sad she was when she got back from selling her new phone and feeling so bad for the unnecessary mistake she made. Well, she's over it now as everything is quite back to normal for her and she got a phone with her own money without the help of taking a loan.

I don't like to take loans and I pray I don't have to go through that, her experience made me stand stronger on my decision. We know some loans are unavoidable to take but we pray we don't have to go through bad loans.


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 2 months ago  

These loan companies don’t really care about us. The whole process is that, people invest their money in their banks and they give the money out to others as a loan with interest. That’s how they also make their money and so there’s no way they’re going to just go easy on anyone who tries to play with their money.

I don’t know what would drive me to take a loan but I hope that day never comes.

 2 months ago  

My dear, it's our prayer o
I really do not want to have an experience of bad loans.

 2 months ago  

Amen ooo.

 2 months ago  

wow, all this get and pay small small stuff ehn, the one she got into just want to find means and rip people, how will they add extra month and I know it will add more money. the one I knew back then, they will just lock the phone from their side and you won't be able to use the phone until you pay up, so she went back to square zero

 2 months ago  

She was unlucky with the ones she made agreement with I guess, too bad.

 2 months ago  

Of course, it is a fact that many people have had such bad experiences and have always faced problems later in their lives, so it is better not to get a loan. One should take it and one should achieve this thing by working hard in three years.

 2 months ago  

Haha not everyone can be patient for three years to work for something that can take a loan for.

Some loans are abusive and you have to be careful who you do business with otherwise you can get burned just like your poor friend!

 2 months ago  

That's just it, money matters needs more care.

I agree, loans that are usurious like that are just plain wrong. People in this world tend to be overly greedy... It really is sad that as human beings we don't take care of each other rather than take advantage of each other.

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 2 months ago  

Really sad
Thanks for sharing your view

 2 months ago  

I think is better to collect loan from friends and family members than going to loan company.

Its such a pity how things turned out for her.

 2 months ago  

I would agree with that, it's better.

 2 months ago  

I really feel for your friend
It was so bad
That was so unfair
But never the less, it's a lesson for her.

 2 months ago  

Yeah, she has learned better.

 2 months ago  

It is really sad to know that your friend was unable to buy a phone even though she paid for it for a few months. Yeah it becomes really tough when you make an installment for a product and you have to pay it every month on a fixed date.

 2 months ago  

It was really tough for her, she wished she didn't take such a route to get the phone.
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