My Friendship - A Circle of Love And Sweet Differences

in Hive Learnerslast year

Having friends is good and sometimes easy but having good friends who are there to make a positive change in your life is better and not easy. Some find these kind of friends by luck, others work for it by being at the right places at the right time or by studying through personalities before deciding a friendship with them. How I got to know the friends I have now is all luck but I always like to say it is more of a blessing from God.

I don't have much friends but the few I do have are blessings I can't trade with

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After I saw the topic, I stayed calm for a moment to give a count of the friends I have that I've connected more with and would always be there for me when I need their presence or assistance on any phase of my life. They say, we can't trust friends as they are only another humans with their own problems to deal with but the set of friends I've kept has made me realise that we can do more to overcome our problems when we team up against the problems we are faced with. Not every problem solving needs team power but a lot of problems need that team power and my friends have showed me that.

While I have friends spread around the world, I do have two that are close to me in contacts and meetings on occasions. We were always together until school ended and sent us back to our different states... Our first sweet difference. You know that feeling you get when you think that your friends are in different states and you could go see them and explore that part of the world, yeah I do feel that way with so much joy.

The three of us are doing well enough for the time and opportunity presented but there's always room for improvements and we are not taking chances for granted. My friends are known to be consistent, persistent and very beautiful. Now I'm tempted to share their pictures on this post but I think I'll pass on that since I'm only going to focus more on their impact in my life and the world around them, not exactly their beauty physically.

My friends has beaten distances to stay connected and we would share ideas, updates and way forwards with each other, that way no one is left behind so much even if other factors could make one or two of us not follow up on an idea or update. Just so I don't give out too much information than needed, I'll share a few things about my two friends and how well they are doing.

We all studied same courses together but we are good at different things, one is good at baking, she's a model and a very good make up artist. Another is amazing with medical practices, she enjoys it like so much. Myself on the other hand, I'm good at writing, singing and learning stuffs quickly... Now, guess what! Here is one unique thing about this my circle of friends.

We teach each other what we know best to have more bests

I got interested in baking because couldn't stop sharing her love for baking and teaching us some tricks she uses, she would also try out make overs on our faces to show us how it's done. We aren't perfect like her but we know something about what our friend do and we are happy about that. I still remember how my friend made me get over my fear to take human tissues sample on one of our course health practice, she found joy in showing me how it is done. I introduced them to Hive and anything I do with my talents, they aren't so active anymore but they are very much aware of what I can do and that is what counts. We are three bests (not perfectly) and that is another sweet difference

I won't say the three of us has made it yet but we are definitely on the process together to get to the highest level we can and celebrate our wins together, it is one of our motto as friends. We grow together, we continue to love each other and be there for one another when the time comes. My other friends are not out of this circle, they happened to me as blessings and I'm so grateful to have them and I'll be happy to watch them grow as well.

And yes, the friends I have tells a lot about who I am and I'm proud to say I keep the right kind of friends to an extent. Looking forward to having more blessings while I cherish the ones I've found ❤️



It's really beautiful to have friends like this. They learn from you and you learn from them. Supporting each other through rough times and just having a kindred spirit. A rare and true friendship indeed. I hope you guys continue to be closefriends.

 last year  

Yeah, I hope it continues too
The distance right now isn't cool but at least we try to stay in touch with each other 🙂

Thanks for stopping by dear

You're welcome. It was a pleasure reading.🤗

 last year  

Some are lucky with these kinds of friends, I don't think I am lucky 🥲 sometimes I wish I have these friends whom we can share things together but the ones I have got aren't even ready to learn new things as they are stuck with the old learning they have gotten 😀
Real and true friends makes the difference.

 last year  

Yeah, such friends do exist and we can only hope that they come to understand that they need to learn new things somehow 🥲

 last year  

Wow what an amazing circle. I don't think its luck, good things just find good people

 last year  

Yeah, you're right about that

 last year  

I was lucky wit an amazing friend just by finding myself in a particular place. Friends come by in different ways..good friends are not easy to come by...good friends stick with each other and cares for the growth of others. They are not selfish but always update each other on any opportunity and push one to grow better. You have got yourself nice circle of friends and I wish you guys all the best in life

 last year  

Lucky you! Many are wishing to find true friends but they are stuck with the wrong ones.
Thank God for the ones we found 😊

Friends are good. some friends are bad as well. Life is full of positive and negative.
If you are lucky to have good friends, you are fortunate because good friends are like blood.

 last year  

Yeah, we both agree on that 😊

What a beautiful circle of friends. They will help push one to greater heights.

 last year  

Exactly, rare to find

 last year  

After the relationship between family members, the most valuable relationship is friendship. In my case, I am lucky that I found some real friends in my life. Friends always support us all the time and there we learn many things from them because every piece of knowledge can be shared with friends.

 last year  

Lucky us then, we hope to keep growing with them 😊

 last year  

This is beautiful @merit.ahama . Team power is necessary in conquering anything. Then learning from each other is an amazing thing. Yeaah, I don't know why you call me your friend and you are hiding what you know from me. Is that friendship or frienemy.

I love the connection, the learning, and love you girls share together and that's what friendship is all about.

 last year  

My dear, that is just it... Why call me friend when you can't be a real friend to me?

Thanks for stopping by

 last year  

My pleasure.

 last year  

Friends is not about having many people it’s about having the ones that truly care about you

 last year  

You've said it all 💯

 last year  

I would have loved to see their pictures o. Only God knows why you changed your mind. Like seriously, you guys are wonderful. Three stone will always balance the pot. That's what you are. I wish you all well as you help each other and aim for the top.

 last year  

Haha even I don't know why I changed my mind 😅 or maybe it's because I've posted about them too much already haha.

 last year  

I garrit mam

 last year  

You see this "bring your friend to Hive" thing, e no dey work most times. I don't know why, but onboarding friends and having them stay for the long term is a whole different matter.

Anyway, it's nice to know that you have such inspiring circle of friends, and that I am no where near that circle.

 last year  

My dear, it's not easy to have them stay even if you succeed in bringing them o 😅 I know the talk I talk to make one stay longer than the other lol

Oh come on! You're in that circle too, I appreciate knowing you 🤗

 last year  

I see some real friendship goals right here, sharing knowledge and helping yourselves grow, what more can a driven ask for, stay true to you,

 last year  

You're right dear, glad I have them as friends

 last year  

Hmmm I grab the sense mama
Having friends that would impact positively is better
👍 Nice one

 last year  

Indeed 💯

 last year  

A true and sincere friend is an asset. Hold such friendship tight, it's rare and golden.

 last year  

I will definitely, it's a rare one indeed

 last year  

It's beautiful, having each other's back, helping one another to grow. Good one here

 last year  

Yeah it is

Friends make the journey of life a lot more easier, meaningful and enjoyable. Learning from each other sounds great and interesting :)

 last year  

Yeah it is, glad I have them 🙂

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 159 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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