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RE: Its time to bond. No phones

in Hive Learners β€’ last month

Lol pressing phone while doing the naughty! πŸ˜‚ Who does that really?!
Well, I guess a lot of us will agree that phones shouldn't be used during family time.

But don't we just agree and our reality says otherwise? Hopefully, we will get to see more importances in family timing than using our phones away.

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Β last monthΒ Β 

Who does that really?!

Men can be unpredictable most times..haha

Β last monthΒ Β 

My hand is not there o

Β last monthΒ Β 


Come back ooo, you assisted to shake this table 😹😹😹😹

Β last monthΒ Β 

I was never here πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Β last monthΒ Β 


Lemme screenshot as evidence of your presence 😹

Β last monthΒ Β 


Some women take calls while doing the naughty 🌚

Β last monthΒ Β 

Lol 😹😹😹😹😹

Its like you've tried it before. Haha

No o … is tell they tell me o πŸ˜‚

Β last monthΒ Β 


Let me believe. Haha