Banana blossom recipe for this creative Sunday!

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Happy Sunday hivers!!!

I really missed sharing some recipes in this community.Usually ,I shared some quick ,easy and low budgeted recipe.But today ,I have something to share to you ,a recipe in which we the ingredients can be seen around especially if your living in the country side.


And this is one of the banana blossom recipe I loved.

What's the ingredients?
Of course you need a banana blossom or puso Ng saging in our dialect.
Egg , cornstarch as well.
Spices like onion ,tomato and garlic.Much better if you had a black pepper and onion leaves but that's only what we had in our kitchen.

And of course you need cooking oil.




First chop the banana blossoms into small pieces.


Then add 1 table spoon of small and squeeze it to remove the bitter taste.


Then chop the spices and add it in the chopped banana blossom.


And add egg ,I used two eggs for the two banana blossom then add two table spoon of cornstarch.I added also 1 spoon of breading mix.Then mix it all.



In a hot pot ,add cooking oil and when it ready for frying ,add the mixture.(I forgot to take a photos when I fried it hihi)

And here's the finish product.You can used anything you want for dipping it.I used venigar with salt and chili anyway .



My son did'nt know that it's a banana blossom and his excited to eat when he smelled it haha.



And this is my entry for this #creative-sunday!

Thank you guys!!!!!

 2 months ago  

Banana Blossom recipe is my fav one. I love all dishes having banana in it. I like your details post, keep up the good work.

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Thank you so much🥰

The banana blossom recipe looks delicious! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Thank you for spending time 🥰

yummy how i wish to have this soon

Soon ,you can try it😊

This looks so delicious and yummy. Thanks for sharing the details with us

Yeah ,it delicious hihi