I had a lot of fun at my elder brother's wedding

in Hive Learners3 years ago

I had a lot of fun at my big brother's wedding. I remember this day a lot today. We all had a lot of fun together at my big brother's wedding.


After a long time a big event was organized in our house. This ceremony is my older brother's wedding. We are all very happy on the occasion of my elder brother's wedding. All our relatives have been invited and they have all come. We are all having a lot of fun at this wedding, especially me and my younger brother Tamil Basar decorated with flowers in the house.


My brother's wedding, so all our relatives have come to this wedding and we will all have a lot of fun together. So we hope that everyone will decorate the living room with flowers. The song "Baso" sounds so beautiful and we will have a lot of fun.


My brother's wedding is in the village next to ours. So we came home to this wedding in a short time. After coming home, there is a place to decorate the house of the brother. The brother sat here and now they will eat.


Now everyone has started eating. We all eat and have fun, because at the wedding house we have a lot of fun. I like it a lot so I started having a lot of fun with all my friends.

 3 years ago  

This was a wonderful moments. Have a good day!

 3 years ago  

That is great you clicked some nice pictures.

Thank you brother