{ Daily Story } #Part 1 : Harvest Wheat

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Good evening all #hive friends, may we all be healthy and stay happy, and kept away from all dangers and resolved from all problems.
Tonight I again want to share a happy story that I experienced, or a fun moment, with the aim that this vibe can be transmitted to all of my friends, especially those who read and visit this blog.

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I started this happy moment with a story this afternoon where I live, namely this afternoon I harvested rice in my rice field, who is not happy when hearing the word harvest, I think this is the time we are waiting for together from the results of our work. That's right, that's how I felt this afternoon when my rice fields were harvested.

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The rice that I have planted for about 4-5 months has finally arrived at harvest time. Where I live, to harvest rice now I use professional tools, namely using machines to harvest, this condition is very different from a few years ago, where harvesting rice in my place still uses conventional methods or uses human power, but now everything has changed. facilitated by technological advances, without reducing the number of jobs for humans. So that it is now much easier for us to harvest rice.

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The first harvest process, of course, we have to wait for the rice to reach the age to harvest, it is usually marked by the yellow color of the rice. Then the car or mower starts to work to clear all the rice stalks. The rice is cut slowly between sections of the paddy fields following the size of the blade shape of the cutting machine. Usually it starts from the outskirts of the rice fields around, then continues and is done repeatedly until a small circle is left in the middle of the rice field.

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And the sophistication of this machine is that it is able to separate rice, leaves and stems in one machine, so that we can easily put rice one by one into the sack, and it is easy to lift and take it out of the fields. Then the sacks are tied and sewn by two workers who are also concurrently to control so that the rice does not fall out of the sack and enter it perfectly.

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After the rice is put into several sacks by the cutting machine, it is then transported by lifting it by several workers using their backs and shoulders to the outside of the fields or to land so that later it will facilitate the next process, which is transported to the factory using a vehicle to be weighed and sold.

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By the way.., here the rice owners only control their harvest from afar or on land where the rice sacks are collected by workers, really relaxing isn't it? hahaha. Likewise with me who just sit back and relax. But my harvesting process didn't end here, where later the harvest would be brought to the factory to be weighed and sold.

For the completeness of the story, I am selling this harvest, friends, you can wait for part 2.
To be Continue…

 2 years ago  

Puna peurle ureung angkot padee daerah nyan bang hehe..

 2 years ago  

Hahaha, bereh bg