I did embroidery on my shopping bag

in Hive Learners5 months ago

Have a great sunday hivers I hope you had a great day I have been participating in this creative community for around three weeks and each time I tried to do something different and creative as it seems boring of somone will continuously do a same sort of stuff each time it looks boring and also don't engage others that's why this time I have tried some embroidery rather then traditional cooking or drawing.

A story
Last time when I was coming back from my aunt's home (as I often visit her) she packed my all clothes in a fabric bag rathen then plastic and I consider it as a small souvenir from her and I now I often took it with my self while regular shopping as it reduses that nasty plastic bags and looks very ethical.
It's fabric texture was also good for embroidery so I decided why not give it some potential and do it now I would like to discuss about the prosess and how I did it.



  • Scissors ✂️
  • Thresds
  • Needle
  • Fabric
    First of all I decided to make a print of sketch to make accurate lines but later when I tried with my black pointer it seems satisfying my early steps were easy as a started it by making leaves and stems by straight stitching beloe are some shots during the eary stage process.

After making stems and leaves I did some french knot stitch for the bossom with goldon threads which makes it more delicate as it was my first time trying a full print befire that I was continuosly practising the different stitch patterns on a separate cloth.

Since I was practising I have learnt some patterns including leaf 🌿 stitch straight stitch for making stems or straight lines blanket stitch fir making petals, French knot stitch, lazy daisy stitch I have practiced much that now I can confidently make some floral designs.

I am very happy by learning this new skill but it was quite expensive the threads were costly for my budget but I still did it for my happiness mental satisfaction I think we should do all that stuff that we desire we should must once give it a chance either we win or not is an another thing.

Before making those petals the whole thing was just looking too flat for me but when I made my first mascot petal stitch flower I realised how beautiful it is going to bebut mascot stitch wasa bit messy and hard but I did it.

After doing this I spend more time then it requires in selecting perfect colour for that small flower next to it as I had only two threads left enough to make that flower and those were purple 💜 and orange 🧡 as the embroidery overall was a shady tone so I decided to do some orange and it looked perfect 👌🏼.

I was so excited when I made it that I intentionally took tons of images I will love to share the final results in different shades as today it was a sunny day.

Some close shots of result

This is how my bag looks like overall after such a struggle and delicate work it was fun but a bit tarding don't forget to share your opinion about my creativity


That's really amazing... Good work 👏👏

Thanks for reaching my content it took me three days straight in making it.

Mashallah brother it's so beautiful.
I had seen in the post when you embroidered for the first time, and now the improvement is self-evident.🙌
Keep shining 🌟

Yeah it took me three days to complete some parts were very difficult for me to make.

Keep the good work up 👏

 5 months ago  

Heya Mojiko!
You are talent machine.
This needlework is so beautiful and it fits well on Sapphire Bag.
This is what I can do- I gave you my first ever unicorn. Now you would be thinking that what is 🦄 unicorn 😂!!!

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"Thanks" is a small word to appreciate your support ☺️.
I already know unicorn is a mythical creature not real.
Am I smart 🤓 👉🏼👈🏼

 5 months ago  

Mojiko you are improving with each coming week. These flowers are looking beautiful. Color combination and sequence is classy.

Yeah 👍🏼 but it was a coincidence that my off white colour threads ran out and I had to use orange for that small flowers still not bad

 5 months ago  

Wow this is so creative... I want to learn hand embroidery too that's why i often practice it but i never achieve the level of creativity you showed... Really amazing 😍

I learned it from internet you can also give a try by practising each stitch separately before making a complete project.

 5 months ago  

I'll... then I'll share the results too😁

Yeah sure it will be easy by trying them before applying rathen then trying a big print.
I am looking forward to yours.

Really pretty!