How it is becoming a risk to give a helping Hand.

in Hive Learners10 months ago

Hello Hive.

Sometimes I wish that I am a novelist so that I can voice out my emotions and disappointment on how people can be so cunning in their relationships with fellow humans.
I remember this meme where a lion countenance was used as a vivid descriptions for humans behavior whenever they need something from us.
When coming to borrow a thing from anyone or from friends/close relatives they put on the saddest and Humble countenance which is never the true form of their human self. Such people can swear with heaven and earth just to get what they need from you.
Then comes payback time and that gentle dove that could have kissed your feet to borrow a thing becomes a roaring lion just because its time to refund what they took from you.


  Image designed on Canva 

Living in Nigerian will teach you to be very careful of who you relate with and how you share your personal matters with others.
So many people are out here to exploit others and many more who nurture the intentions of how the want to ruin their friends financially. It is hard to tell who has our best interest at heart.
Imagining myself trying to onboard a newbie to hive because I feel like he might get creative and lucky enough to get some rewards to aid his financial challenges, without putting much effort into blogging he is already seeking for ways to hack into my wallet under the disguise of borrowing my mobile phone.

Blogging to earn will take him so much time and seeing Hive power in my wallet that's is a shortcut to success for him.
I was lucky he didn't get away with it as we all know that a newbie will experience quite a challenge making their first transactions.
Now I am been very careful about who handles my mobile per time. Besides I also look at people very well scrutinizing them before deciding if they are worthy of this space or my friendship at all.

Prior to this time I had a disappointing experience with one of my female friends whom I have gone more than extra mile to buy her some good health. Been an ulcer patient it comes to a point where the condition becomes severe and internal bleeding sets in if proper treatment is not given.
I had no money with me and her family were helpless. I was barely two years on hive with not so much of a financial knowledge or if I could save my hive to invest them and earn more or do any of those things to multiply my stakes

All of my hive earnings were been transacted to support my family and some of my friends who were financially incapable of affording some of their needs.
Her health challenges were severe and I felt bad and pushed to the point that I transacted a huge sum to help her with hospital bills.
After series of begging for a refund I can tell you that its been two years now with no success. I literally became a burden and piece of trouble to someone who came crying for help. Everybody has moved on and learnt their lessons.

The setback these experiences have caused me financially can never be forgotten in a hurry. Now I think 10X before I give a helping hand to anyone. And I don't blame people if they decide not to help their relatives, close associate or people in need because of this kind of experiences. It is rather a risk to help people now and we calculate these risks wisely before taking any step.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 170 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

 10 months ago  

Instead of a person to make their own money, they are looking for ways to exploit and stole other people of their live savings💔. Like i am happy for you the guy didn't succeed to hack into your hive wallet. And yes, it's good to be able to say no to people when they ask for help. It's not everytime people ask for help, you render it out. Some don't even deserve it anyway.

 10 months ago  

Exactly my dear. Humans can be really heartless.

It's so sad. The fact that being a good is generous person is now a risky thing to do

 10 months ago  

Exactly. We just have to be careful.

 10 months ago  

It's rather unfortunate how people repay good for evil. One has to be extra careful in lending a helping hand

 10 months ago  

Yes ooo. Once bitten.

 10 months ago  

....Twice shy

 10 months ago  

Some people are just wicked, heartless and ungrateful.

Imagine all what you did only to be turned to a borden by someone who was begging you times before then.

Chai two years and yet not still happening, these are people that make one stop helping.

For the first case, I'm also skeptical about who I give my phone, in fact I've almost every app passworded, call me secretive, I don't care, but I don't really trust anyone not to dive into what they ought not to with my phone.

 10 months ago  

Pass-wording every app... Sha don't forget any password 😂

 10 months ago  

When coming to borrow a thing from anyone or from friends/close relatives they put on the saddest and Humble countenance which is never the true form of their human self.

The way these set of people will beg and keep humble face will make you look like a bad person if you refuse them. But the aftermath would shock like a lightening bolt.

After series of begging for a refund I can tell you that its been two years now with no success.

Explaining why she can't pay back would have at least been better than just shunning everything off. You did went extra mile and that's not what anyone should forget in a worry. That was just too unthoughtful of her.

 10 months ago  

That's life my dear and we are learning by the day.

 10 months ago  

Exactly my dear.

Am glad that he did not succeed in hacking your hive wallet, be more careful next time he is wicked, heartless and ungrateful. Not all help are to be render