Multiple Career choice and why I like to explore different career option.

in Hive Learners3 months ago (edited)

Engaging in multiple careers in life requires that one be endowed with multiple talents or build himself to acquire different kinds of skills. Being able to fit into several sectors has more advantages than otherwise.

Some of the simplest advantages for me would be that I find joy and fulfillment doing different tasks rather than one boring activity every single day. I have admired bankers in the past because of the official nature of their jobs, the respect they get, and their corporate appearance. But giving their lifestyle a deep thought, I realized that I will be more than frustrated if all my life revolves around a similar circle of counting money every day. Aside from banking alone, several other single-career jobs out there require that you do the same task every day.
I cannot survive a situation where my life revolves around a fixed routine.


Flexibility brings me joy and fulfillment. Once I am engaged in a certain task and begin to feel bored or the enthusiasm to work reduces, exchanging task lightens my mood and improves my productivity. For instance, I could get tired of sewing clothes, and once the motivation for sewing goes off, everything I try to do at that time often ends up badly. Not because I am not good at what I want to do, but since the motivation for sewing is no longer there, whatever I do with clothes in that moment will be a mess.

Hence, the easiest thing I can do is switch tasks and either enter the farm or look for other jobs in the house. This simple act will revive my mood, mindset, and desire to work again since a new energy is ignited to do the new task. It also makes me productive in these varying sectors, achieving bits of progress in all areas.

Having multiple careers requires that one be multitalented or train one’s self in various skills, which makes us intelligent and also it develops our intelligence quota and knowledge base in different fields from to exposure to varieties of knowledge and ideas. One interesting thing to know is how these things are all interconnected and how the knowledge learned from one skill or career can be creatively applied to achieve another purpose in another field.

Other benefits attached to having multiple careers can be seen in terms of job security, such that in the face of unemployment, one can easily secure a position in any field because of exposure to different knowledge and expertise.

Multiple Career also equates to multiple streams of income. Most times working out a single job on most countrys can't provide the finances needed to meet our needs. Hence people engage in different career and job lines. The stipends from each career all adds up to improve on our general take home in the end. The economic situation of most countries are really terrible these days that we need several streams of income to meet up with our needs.


Multi-Talents people offer more advantages than disadvantages, although in situations where our varying tasks are not properly managed, it is possible for failure to set in. Having divided attention makes it difficult to achieve optimum success in some fields. This is the reason why sometimes a specialist in a particular career is deployed to do some tasks. In the medical sector, we have physicians who treat varying illnesses with drugs, but when it comes to surgeries and the like, preference is given to specialists meant for our different organs to do the task. You can’t employ an optician to perform a complicated Caesarian section. More focus is needed at this time than a physician can offer.

Another disadvantage is that it becomes difficult if all the careers we are engaged in require time sensitivity, and we find it difficult to manage our time well. Sometimes the whole of our task clashes at the same time, and we struggle to make sure that none becomes a failure. Personally, I have experienced situations while farming where some crops went bad because we were busy taking care of others. This is actually in the same agricultural sector, but since we have planted different crops in different locations, it becomes difficult to manage all the farms, and while we are busy planting rice, the corn ready for harvest begins to spoil since it is also calling for our attention.


Sometimes I have to pick a priority for which task to achieve first. Looking at the scenarios here, it is easy to see that the advantages of multiple careers far outweigh their disadvantages, and regardless of such disadvantages, having multiple careers is safer than otherwise.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 3 months ago  

Having multiple career choices allows you to explore rather than stay stagnant in one place

 3 months ago  

Thanks for stopping by.b