Depression Is Real and The Victim Can Be Helped | HiveLearners WK107

in Hive Learners3 months ago (edited)

Depression can mean a lot of things. It could be a change of mood that an individual is currently experiencing which could lead to devastation, fatigue, and an inordinate desire to harm oneself. Most often, the state a person finds his or herself in could lead to some sort of depression. Depression could arise from an individual's economic state, or when they are heartbroken as a result of imperfections from their romantic partners.

Darwis Alwan

Some years ago, a young doctor was depressed to the extent of taking his life. The said doctor was a sickle cell patient but he was brilliant. As a medic, he wrote several examinations to become a consultant which he passed, scoring the highest but was not certified to operate as a consultant. This resulted in depression for the young doctor. He was depressed to the extent that he drove himself to the third mainland bridge jumped into the Lagos sea and drowned.

Depression can be in different levels and forms but when some steps are taken, it could help revive the affected person back to his or her normal state.

Critical Experience

About a month ago, one young guy wrote on his Facebook page, GOODBYE. This message sent different signals to his followers. Several attempts to reach and help him out of his hopeless state proved abortive as he was found dead with a suicide note by the side of his corpse. The note has in it that he was being chased by a microfinance bank for a debt of three hundred thousand naira which is less than two hundred dollars. It was a sad experience all together. Perhaps, we could not help him or we weren't there for him when he needed us the most.

Again, a female colleague who was having issues in her marriage was seen sobbing anytime she was alone in the office. I noticed that she always had red eyes, a resultant effect of crying. But she wasn't ready to open up. One day, I walked up to her and told her my story and how I helped. These are the different steps I asked her to take if she finds it difficult to speak with me.

Pour Out Her Mind to Someone

This will help ease the pain. When the pain becomes too deep into her, it could lead to a serious health challenge which when not well taken care of could become devastating.

Seek The Help of A Professional

There are trained persons whose job is to provide such services to individuals who might be having such problems. As a professional, the service provider will aid you to take some steps towards self-discovery and realization.

Good Health Habit

This is in no small measure a considerable approach that helps a depressed person to recover. Getting involved in exercise and eating healthy food are antidotes to escaping depression.

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After I had said all these to her and watched closely to see that she had started making the necessary moves at recovering from her depression, I told a follow-up step to ensure she was completely healed.

Patience: Depressed people could exhibit irritating behaviours and if one does not have patience, it could become so bad that the one who ought to assist could begin to withdraw. I withdrew at some point but I had to rethink it and came back to being the helper that I wanted to be.

Check In Regularly: From time to time, it is important for you to check up on the victim to ensure they are safe and getting better. This is what I felt some depressed people who paid the highest price would have needed but because there was no one to come to their aid, they resort to suicide.
Dear friends, depression is real. And if you must know, there are depressed people everywhere. Just ensure to know your friends and neighbours wellbeing or personality traits to be able to help out. That is what humanity is all about.


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 3 months ago  

Depression is really. We should always try to provide our shoulders for those facing challenges to lean on. It aches my heart whenever I read about a victim that committed suicide. We need to be more proactive in checking on the wellbeing of one another.

 3 months ago  

That's the best way to be our brothers' keeper. A shoulder for them to lean on is not bad, at all.

 3 months ago  

I think you mentioned some interesting points, such as trying to be patient as not everything changes quickly and, above all, regularly checking your emotions and the climate around you, always seeking a better quality of life.

 3 months ago  

Thanks, @kaibagt .
In life, you never knows who has one level of depression or the other until you get a little closer.