Greed and violence are closely related.

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello guys,

Assalamu alaikum, how are you all friends? Hope everybody is doing well and having a great day. I am also well with your prayers and God's infinite mercy. Friends, today I will share with you "Greed and violence are related to each other".


Greed and violence is one of the biggest disorders in human life. Greed makes people violent. That is why it is called sin in greed, death in sin. If you are too greedy, the result will never be good. Greed and violence are the two things that destroy people.

When these two qualities are present in a human being, then he is no longer considered a human being, he becomes inferior to an animal. Greed is such a thing that it can kill people. So it is never good to be greedy.

From an Islamic point of view, greed and envy destroy the faith of a believer. A person who has these two things inside can never make himself happy. Because a violent attitude can never do good to others. When he thinks only of himself and sees others as good, fire burns on him.

Violence is actually a mental illness. A person who is once afflicted with this disease of violence will never be self-satisfied because no matter how much he achieves, he will always look to others and he will never accept the success of others. He burns himself in the fire of violence. That is why violence and greed complement each other.


We will always stay away from violence and greed. Because when you are jealous of others, you hurt yourself. Because greed destroys one's humanity, the desire for more is always awakened in oneself. You can never make yourself happy from your own mind. Greed makes people jealous of people. The root of everything is this greed. So we will always try to protect ourselves from greed and violence.

Greedy people can never think of anything better than their own interests. These people are busy only with themselves. They are of no use for the purpose of society but they are more beneficial to the society.

So friends, we will always keep ourselves away from these two terrible disorders. Because if greed and violence enter a person, he will never be able to make himself happy. So we will refrain from these two things.

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