CYNTHIA || Week 9 Edition 2

in Hive Learners2 years ago


I know I'm going to feel sad as I write this. My first love was Cynthia. It wasn't love when we first met. We were kids, living in the same neighborhood who also happened to go to the same school. She was my best friend. I think I slept at her place more than I slept at mine.

We did everything together, watched tv together. Anywhere you find her, know I wasn't far behind.
They say a child's love is the purest kind of love. I'm pretty sure that's what we had.

Growing up was fun and exciting. We would always talk about all the places we would visit when became adults. She was a smart girl, always coming up with crazy ideas. Memories as flowing back as I write this. Another thing that kept us together was our voices. We both could sing, spending most of our time writing songs and coming up with different scenarios in our head.

We didn't know it then but we were in love.
It was no different when we were teenagers. We still went to the same high school, always top in our class. It was always a competition to see who would come out on top at the end of the cinema. Sometimes we skipped taking the bus just so we could spend time strolling, talking about your favorite movies.
We were still best friends here. Nobody made any move to break the zone. I'm pretty sure we didn't know we were in love.

Things got a little bit harder when I went to school in another state. We talked almost all the time, the only difference was now, she wasn't here physically. We would video chat, I would tell her about the people I had a crush on and she would make jealous remarks even though she tried to hide them.


It was the same for me too. I didn't notice how jealous I would get too when she told me she liked somebody in school. The bright side to everything was that we would still get to see each other during school holidays. We would occasionally flirt with each other but it was nothing serious.
Things got more hard when my whole family decided to move to a different state. Communication got harder but we made it work. We still talked everyday. It was like I never moved. Gosh, Cynthia was one of the prettiest people I know, body and soul.

I was in school when I got the call from her mum, March 27, 2017. She had been hit buy a car, they were burying her the next day. I almost died. I remember going blank when she told me. I have never cried like that in my life. Things didn't just seem complete ever again, even till now

One of my biggest regrets of my life is never telling her how I felt. It kills me. It's been five years since she died but I still miss her much.


 2 years ago  

I really don't know what to type..I read all through with smile on my face until I saw the part of her is so deep..I had to pause to even think about how you felt..So sorry my brother..😰

 2 years ago  

I can't explain how I felt.. It just felt numb. I still get that feeling sometimes. I know she's in a better place but I wish I had a do over

 2 years ago  

Sending peace and love to you❤️

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 2 years ago  

I almost cried after reading this. . what a story, with so much joy and pain. I don't know how you felt but I'm sure you could have made her know about your feelings if you knew things were going to end differently.....Im sorry..

It's really touching... thanks for sharing

 2 years ago  

I felt the same way too...Omo it's alot

 2 years ago  

I don't like to think about it too much. I want to believe I'm going to see her again someday. I use that to console myself. I still regret though. If I could go back in time..I would

 2 years ago  

Quite Sad! The hardest part of loving someone is doing it alone without letting them know, am so sorry you couldn't tell her!
Nice sharing this with us dear friend.

 2 years ago  

One of my biggest regrets man. I believe I'm going to see her again someday. Thank you taking your time to read this

 2 years ago  

I really understand how you guys felt because I had a childhood love while growing up too.
really srry for the loss its pretty had when we loose those we love.🥺🥺

 2 years ago  

I really appreciate man. Loss is hard. I was pretty lucky to have friends around me then that helped me cope. I like to believe she's in a better place.

 2 years ago  

Oh dear! This is really sad. Why did she have to die? Did you ever get to tell her how you feel about her? Seemed to me Cynthia would never know just how much you love her.

I'm so sorry for your loss.