Needle Dragonfly

in Hive Learners2 years ago


Needle dragonflies are small insects that usually live around grass fields where there are lots of wild flowers to then land on the flowers, and suck nectar from these wild flowers, usually needle dragonflies are also often encountered near water sources, such as rivers, lakes, ponds. , or reservoirs, and it's not too difficult to find these needle dragonflies, where an area is full of wildflowers or other flowers, there will be a lot of needle dragonflies looking for food.

When I found this dragonfly around a garden area where there are lots of wildflowers, I was deliberately looking for a needle dragonfly as one of the macro photo objects, and coincidentally that day I immediately found this needle dragonfly, I also took some photos that I will show you. below, this needle dragonfly is a little red and a mixture of several other colors, let's look at the photo below.


Needle dragonfly


Needle dragonfly


Needle dragonfly


Needle dragonfly


Needle dragonfly


Needle dragonfly


Needle dragonfly


Needle dragonfly


Needle dragonfly

Camera usedHandphone
PhotographyNeedle dragonfly
LocationAceh Forest


I was deliberately looking for a needle dragonfly as one of the macro photo objects

Glad that you found this dragonfly! It looks amazing, 100% 🤍 Glad that I really stumble upon your account, really love your macro shots! I love the pinkish-reddish color of this insect, hehe 🤍🤍

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much for your support, this has become what I love about photography, subjects are fun.

True! And you let us see your photographs tho we're away from your subject 🤍 Feels like we see them firsthand too, thank you!

 2 years ago  

Thanks again, I still need to learn a lot more about macrophotography, my photos are still amateur class, but thanks again to you.

You're welcomeeeee! 🤍🤍

 2 years ago  

Have a nice day!


 2 years ago  

Thank you friend

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