Newbies Initiative Task2: Learning About Hive Guidelines And Markdowns

in Hive Learnerslast month (edited)

Welcome Back!

Thank you for visiting my blog today. I am really excited to share this update on my learning experience in the ongoing Newbies Initiative, a training organised by the sponsors with the aim of making it easy for new Hivers to find their footing and the help they need to navigate the Hive Blockchain.

Image created by me using canva

This is week two for the first batch of 2024, and this post is my submission for Week 2 task, as you can see below. A shout-out to @nkemakonam89 for the amazing lecture. I appreciate you for all you do.

Task 2 Questions And My Answers

How is Hive different from other social media platforms like Web 2?

Hive is a Web 3 social media platform hosted on decentralised blockchain, while Web 2 social media platforms are run on a centralised system.

Web2 Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are owned by individuals or companies and the user really doesn't have control over his content and information. The system is designed to earn rewards for the platform owners while the user doesn't get any rewards for using them.

Hive on the other hand gives ownership of content to the user or the creator. There is also a reward system for the users and creators on Hive. Also, there is a high level of transparency for everything done on Hive, from content creation and revision to every single transaction that takes place on Hive.

Vividly explain the following terminologies in your own understanding

a. Plagiarism: This simply means presenting another person's content as your own, whether it is media, post or quote. This happens when you don't give credit to the original owner of the content no matter how free-to-use it is said to be.

b. Vote Begging: This refers to the habit of soliciting for upvotes or asking people to upvote your content. Some people outrightly do this on their posts, while others more subtly go to people's dms to beg for votes.

c. Post Recycling: This is a situation whereby someone goes to pick up an old post, dust it by making few changes, and then posts it as new.

In what way is the use of tags relevant to your post? Also, do you think that abuse of tags will attract downvotes to your post? If yes, explain. Also list 5 general tags you know.

When creating a post, hashtags are normally used to draw attention and increase visibility of the post. As people search for topics related to the tag used, they will probably come across your content. And it is possible to get tokens and upvotes when the right tags for a post are used. So, tags directly or indirectly influence visibility and rewards earned on a post.

But the thing is that if they study the content and find that it is unrelated to the tag used, then that may attract a negative reaction in form of downvotes.

So yes, abuse of tags may attract downvote on someone's post. Certain communities on Hive have tags which are reserved only for the members of that community, or to be used for certain contests, and using those tags outside the stipulated conditions may definitely attract penalties in form of downvote.

Below are five examples of general tags I know:



In creating this post, I was able to use markdowns as I learnt from the last tutorial to justify my text, create my headings, use bold italics at some point, make the label of my image smaller.

It has been a great learning experience for me, and I remain grateful to the organisers of this initiative. God bless you all.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section and I will get back to you.

Thank you once again!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Thank you so much, @hivebuzz .

Go for it, @ngwinndave! Set your sights on that new target and keep pushing forward. Remember, every small step brings you closer to your goal.

Very informative post for the newbies. I also made some mistakes as a newbie you mentioned in the post. But I am working on it.

Oh, yes! As Newbies we all make mistakes, but once we realise it we take precautions to avoid those mistakes so we don't get blacklisted. Thank you for visiting my blog.

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating to @indiaunited. We share more than 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators in the form of IUC tokens. HP delegators and IUC token holders also get upto 20% additional vote weight.

Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.


100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

Thank you so very much!

This is beautiful @ngwinndave . Glad you understood all these, as they are very important in the platform.

I've noticed your markdowns, and I'm impressed by it. Keep it up.

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Thank you so very much! You all make it so easy to understand, and I really appreciate your effort and those of others who are taking the pains and the time to show us the ropes. God bless you all.

 last month  

This is far way too good👍
What a brilliant student you are🤣🤣
@ngwinndave,you nailed it👍👍

Thank you for the compliment, @flourishandflora. You are amazing as well, and I admire how easily and quickly you decode these things ❤.

 last month  

Congratulations, you are doing well with the course, keep it up!

Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words.

Well said...As a newbie, it is very important to take note of this so as to avoid the presence of the Hive watchers on our post.

You are right, especially if their presence will attract penalties 😂. Thank you for reading

You smashed this task like a pro 😃

The instructor did such an excellent job delivering the tutorial that I had no other choice but to smash the task 🤣🤣🤣. Anyways, thanks for the compliment 😀 😊.

😂, you are welcome dear 😘

This is very detailed and informative. Keep sharing these amazing tips.


Thanks so much for visiting. I appreciate you.

 29 days ago  

You're doing amazing, this shows that you understood everything your instructor said.
And all the best of luck in the initiative #dreemport

Thanks for your warm wishes, @meyateingi . Much appreciated 🙏.

 23 days ago  

You're welcome

 26 days ago  

Wonderful use of markdowns. Well-done. I love your thumbnail; it makes me naturally want to engage.

Thank you so much for your lovely comment.