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RE: Your Anger is Valid

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

AH... I'm sorry @naniplayergamer

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings and would never do that intentionally.

Since we hadn't connected in a while, I just unfollowed during a process of streamlining my side. I didn't know folks would see the unfollow and it's awkward now to have done it.

On my side... it's more to be able to see the content of those I engage with regularly to save me time and resources.... nothing personal. I have little time here at the moment and I've found if I keep my circle smaller it creates more valuable time for me. That's all.

And if one isn't engaging then it hardly seems productive to stay connected... does it? 😊

I was finding the tons of folks I had randomly followed (because I was new and meeting all sorts of people) quite intimidating now. This because I do go to my feed on who I have followed EVERY day to try and connect and keep contact with people. And it was a really long list!

With this way of engaging on social media (my goal is to STAY connected and engaged with people), I wasn't getting to everyone I wanted to get to... and it was too much to manage!

So I thought just streamlining and keeping the folks I've gotten to know over continuous engagement now would create less stress and more time! That it would be simpler and more productive. And that would free up time to also meet new people.

I found this on mainstream social media, btw. I am the sister of a guy who does MAJOR music events and eventually I had thousands of "friends" and people who wanted to be friends and my feed was full of strangers I had never met or talked to. It made things uncomfortable and "fake". For me. Most of them just wanted to get hold of my brother or be affiliated with me because of my "status" 👀

I learned the hard way... over time... that authenticity is best. For me! I now only have around 44 "friends" on Fakebook who are my actual real life friends, or who I KNOW have the same approach to life as me. This has made me feel "safer" to be myself and to share honestly.

But I'm a bit different from most people after what I've seen and experienced! I"m in it for the sharing and connection now. In full. Not for the follows and the likes! 😁

We haven't engaged since we first did a while ago so... I didn't think you'd miss me!

I hope this makes sense and makes you less sad! ❤️