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RE: Your Anger is Valid

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Okay... I'm just getting warmed up now.

I think I may have found my platform 👍

Yep! It's the parents who are too busy to heal themselves... and the trauma gets passed on to the kids and the parents are mostly relieved to avoid dealing with it and drugging their offspring

This riles me BIGTIME.

Ignorance, cowardice and outright laziness

And the medical industry is profiting off it big time

Utter bastards.


Let's go 👍🤓

  • working out a plan

You will do it!! And I will support you. 💪

Thank you :)

many voices are far more easily heard. I've been shouting into the wind now for almost 4 years... perhaps it's time to talk about it some more <3