in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Greetings Hivers!

Hope you all are doing good? Coming across this amazing contest got me elated because I'm a big foodie😋 Punish me with every other thing but please not with food cus if you do you've literally committed murder. hahaha!

In my blog today I'll be responding to the topic for the Weekly Featured Contents;
Week 03:- Edition 03:-

Your Favourite Food

This can be any food at all. It can be local or foreign dish. What matters is that you just love eating it. Tell us why you love it and how it is prepared.


I'm a a big fan of SPAGHETTI PASTA FOODS and due to the fact that the kind of meals we eat here in Nigeria takes quite a long time to prepare before it can be eaten, spaghetti pasta is gradually becoming my everyday meal. Infact, in Nigeria spaghetti pasta which has become our common meal here is called a "fast food" and it's been loved and eaten by children and adults.

In Nigeria, spaghetti pasta can be prepared in two different ways:

  • The jollof method which looks exactly like this in the picture below


  • The white pasta and stew method which I prefer more than the jollof.

The different kinds of spaghetti pasta is also been prepared with the same ingredients depending on how much you wanna spend for the meal. Yes, some people even go further to adding green peas,carrots and liver meat, chicken in it.

But if you no geh that kind money, oya follow me enter kitchen make we cook the one wey our hand fit reach😅


The ingredients I use to cook my spaghetti pasta and stew include:

  • 1pack of spaghetti pasta
  • Groundnut oil
  • One unboiled egg
  • Fresh pepper and tomatoes
  • Onions
  • One cube of maggi
  • Gino curry seasoning
  • Salt



  • Put the spaghetti inside a pot of water and break them into small pieces


  • Parboil for 5 minutes
  • And wash in a sieve and allow the water to strain


  • Add a little water in a pot and add the parboiled pasta back into the pot.


  • Add 2 teaspoon of salt.
  • And after the water has dried up, your white spaghetti pasta is ready.


  • Cut your onions


  • Wash your fresh tomatoes and pepper and blend into a fine paste with my manual blender or anything you can use to blend.



  • Add groundnut oil into a pot and add the sliced onions and blended tomatoes to heat a bit.
  • Add salt,maggi and gino curry seasoning to taste
  • And finally, add raw egg.



And my white spaghetti pasta and stew is ready to be served😋

I enjoy eating my spaghetti pasta just like this picture above ( White spaghetti pasta and stew) because it tastes more yummy than the spaghetti jollof pasta.
I hope you try it out and enjoy too!

All pictures are mine


 2 years ago  

Yummy 😋
I couldn't even read the post, I was just looking at the food😮😮

This early morning, you used food to distract me, how I wish you prepared this in my present, I would have taken a little to eat.

Nice meal, I have always loved spaghetti

 2 years ago  

I gave you breakfast in bed right?
I'll waybill yours ok?
Just send me your address 😅

 2 years ago  

You've a good taste o, but for someone like me, I don't usually get full whenever I eat spaghetti.

Thanks for sharing your recipe with us.

 2 years ago  

Maybe because you see it as ajebo food😃
Thanks for visiting my blog.

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 2 years ago  

Sure I will!

 2 years ago  

SPAGHETTI PASTA FOODS is truly yummy 🤤
I m love to see how this food made ❣️
Lovely post 📯

 2 years ago  

Yea! Very yummy!
Thanks for visiting my blog 🤗

 2 years ago  

As in, spaghetti is the best. Nice preparation procedure.
I hope to get some when I visit😁.

 2 years ago  

The best I tell you!
Thank you for reading through 🤗

 2 years ago  

You're welcome dear💕

 2 years ago  
But if you no geh that kind money, oya follow me enter kitchen make we cook the one wey our hand fit reach😅

I don follow you Sharperly oo 😁😁
In case of next time, while boiling, add a spoon of groundnut oil and more water... It will make the spaghetti not to gum

Thanks for your content 😇😇

 2 years ago  

Thanks for the suggestion..

 2 years ago  

You're much welcome

 2 years ago  

This is a soft food and it very delicious, thank you for sharing it with us.

 2 years ago  

Yea! Soft and delicious😋
Thanks for visiting my blog 🤗

Let's go girl, this is also one of my favorite food, so when are you inviting me to come and eat this delicious meal.

 2 years ago  

I'm glad it's one of your favorite food too.
Just send me your address, I'll do the waybill shaperly😃

Wow... I have to say that you really finished work on this.
I am not really a fan of spaghetti, although I eat it once in a while. But then, tastes are different.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Gats finish work for my best food!
Thanks for visiting my blog🤗