Beyond Skills: The Role of Appearance in Job Interviews

in Hive Learners28 days ago


Our physical appearance is one thing that shouldn't be overlooked, whether we are set for a job interview, a social gathering, or any kind of meet-up. Dressing appropriately for any function you want to attend makes you have self-confidence, and it also says a lot about how people view you or treat you. Of course, I am sure you wouldn't want to send a negative impression to people with the way you dress, or would you?

Let's talk about our skills and physical appearance for the job interview. As a job seeker attending a job interview, it is important to understand that your skills aren't enough. Imagine meeting an interviewer for the first time who doesn't know anything or the skills you can offer, and then you dress maybe timidly or like you are going for a spiritual program for an office job. It's in the nature of humans to judge a book by its cover, which is a good reason why you should present yourself in a manner that showcases your skills for that offer, leaving a positive impression on the interviewer even before getting into your skills. Some interviewers might not even have the patience to know your skills by simply looking at how odd you appear in search of a job.


It is vital to understand the type of job you are applying for and channel your appearance appropriately; otherwise, the interviewer might make an assumption about you contrary to who you are, and this may make you lose an offer. Do you know that sometimes the interviewer already takes a decision by just looking at your physical appearance? Even before going into your skills, Your appearance shouldn't be ignored, no matter what skills you have, because you wouldn't know if the person interviewing you is the type to overlook your appearance or not. Just dressing appropriately is the best in this competitive world.

People, through their dressing, have caused themselves to lose an offer even with a good skill because their appearance alone already speaks negatively of them, and so there is no opportunity for them to prove what they are capable of offering to the company. My girlfriend is a typical example of this scenario. She was so desperate to get a job one time—a front desk officer job, for that matter. On the day of her interview, this girl dressed to seduce. She jokingly told me before hand that when the CEO of the company sees her looking hot, he wouldn't have any other choice than to employ her. I remember telling her not to try such but to dress officially for the interview. According to her, the man didn't even interview her but later invited her to a hotel over the weekend. Can you imagine? This is a girl who is so good with computer skills, speaks well, so eloquent, and, of course, could do the work, but she lost it due to her indecent dressing and wrong impression for the interview.


Along with skills, physical appearance should be paid attention to, as it speaks more about the employee, his or her commitment, and even his attention to details. Personally, I wouldn't change the system of considering physical appearance in a job interview, even if I find myself in a position to do so, but regardless of how important our appearance is in hiring staff to represent an establishment, skills will be a major concern, especially in certain kinds of jobs.

This post is in response to the #hivelearners community contest on the topic titled physical Appearance

Thanks for reading ♥️♥️🧡

All images were taken from canva

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 27 days ago  

We are sometimes address the way we dress and we should always try to dress nicely and for the occasion at hand

 27 days ago  

Indeed sis
It's nice seeing you around 🤗

 27 days ago  


 28 days ago (edited) 

That is the key. Our physical appearances when in order boost confidence and brings open doors and more.
Lovely one sis ❤

 28 days ago  

It sure does
Thanks for reading through sis

 28 days ago  

Its a pleasure.
Have a good evening 🌆

 28 days ago  

You are right mom, our looks says a lot about our personalities, you can't appear before someone for the very first time and seeking for an opportunity then look anyhow. The person will just consider you unserious. Inasmuch as our skills are important, the outfit too must be presentable to make a balance

 28 days ago  

The key is doesn't have to be a luxury dress.. just appear smart and official

 28 days ago  

To be honest, I feel it's ridiculous when a candidate is judged by appearance only. I don't like it but it's happening and now people are very concerned about dressing rather than focusing on skill. If in my company I take some people for specific posts then I must focus on the skills and talents of candidates because it's beneficial for my company. I wouldn't care about dressing if they wore clean and decent dresses.

 28 days ago  

Focusing only on dressing wouldn't be wise but the woman goes hand in hand... because you have a skill shouldn't make you appear timid, I hope you understand my point

 28 days ago  

Appearance is very important. Some organizations place great importance on their employees. They take them as the face of the organization. Good appearance is vital. Imagine the way your friend lost the opportunity. She indeed went overboard in trying to get the job. And the reaction of the man was an insult. I agree with your points. It shouldn't be about skills alone but also appearance.

They said, dress the way, you want to be addressed

I also believe that physical appearance should be taken into consideration when going for a job interview as it can give one a lot of advantages in the presence of the interviewer.
Imagine not dressing appropriately, it can affect one's confidence in front of an interviewer whose eyes are scanning you from head to toe.

 28 days ago (edited) 

Hahaha. Your girlfriend is so funny. Imagine having the thought of dressing to kill. Hahaha. This is the assumption of some ladies too, not knowing that the way they dress is how they would be addressed. When you dress decently, there will be that self respect in you plus having confident that even if any employer wants to try shit, you will have your stance. Dressing is something important when going for an interview. Most interviewer looks at dressing first and when you now have your skills, it's a double win for you.

 27 days ago  

You dey mind that gal 😂, she got what she wanted, simple
The issue of dressing up well for interviews shouldn't be a's a good thing to do without being told

 27 days ago  

You are right. Here I am again through #dreemport because I represent #dreemerforlife 😌

 27 days ago  

A true dreemer 😃😃

You are right when you said people judge a book by its cover. That's because those interviewers knows nothing about you personally, so the way you dress will speak a lot about who you are.

Came in from dreemport.