in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

There is this popular African adage which says that "if wishes were horses, beggers would ride" . Well, I have lots of wishes, lots of things I admire to achieve in life but for the purpose of this Contest, I will stick to the rule by making just one wish!

If you had one wish to make, and that wish would come true, what would it be? Tell us what it is and why you would make such a wish. We would love to know.

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Touching people's lives positively has been my passion, I feel this self satisfaction, I feel fulfilled within me each time I put a little smile on people's face and so my greatest wish is to very wealthy!

Having pass through rough roads while growing up, I vowed to hustle the much I can to leave a better life in this my Adulthood. A lot of times I see people in need, some begging for foodstuffs for their family, some kids skipping academic session due to financial constraints, some wearing what looks like rags in the name of clothes, I so much feel for them because I have once been in their shoes before GRACE found me.

Yes, I wish to be very wealthy and if my wish is granted, I will not only dash out clothes or foodstuffs etc. the way I have been extending helping hands in my own capacity but I will go extra mile in establishing bussiness to some people, making them their own ENTREPRENEUR. I will search for those kids that aren't in school any more and enroll them in school. What of the motherless babies? My experience the last time I visit was still very fresh in my memory and I wish to be visiting them regularly and helping out the much I can.

Sincerely speaking, I am not just saying all this because of Contest sake but what I will do if my wish is being granted. I have been faithful with the small richness I have acquired so far and I believe that if more riches is entrusted into my hands as well, I will still be faithful for the more!

Hope you enjoyed reading my article?
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Remember to keep staying positive and be happy 😊❣️💕


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 2 years ago  

Nicely said, dear friend!
I pray your wishes do come through for you.
you write well

 2 years ago  

Many thanks dear friend!

 2 years ago  

Well written. I must say girl your wish is really huge.

 2 years ago  

Thank you 😊

 2 years ago  

That's a nice wish hope your wishes come true. thanks for sharing

 2 years ago  

I hope so my dear!

Thanks so much.

 2 years ago  

Hope you enjoyed reading my article?

I really enjoyed your article, wishing to be wealthy in other to help the less privileged is a thoughtful one. We have lots of wealthy people but most of them think only about themselves and their family.

If we can have people like you with the same thoughts, this world will be a better place for everyone because a brother will not see others suffering and he will walk pass by.

I myself will beg God to grant you this wish.

 2 years ago  

Wahooooo 💕❣️😍

That's a well thoughtful comment!
Thank you so much my dear friend and I say a big Amen to the prayer.

 2 years ago  

You're welcome

 2 years ago  

Such a noble and genuine intention
I love it

 2 years ago  

Thank you.

You have a noble wish. You have a need to help people, and you are already doing so in the little way you can.
Mother Nature will surely make it so you can begin to give out in the capacity that you want to. The world is lucky to have you. 😊

 2 years ago  

Yea, it's my passion and I love doing that, I pray that my wish comes true.

Thanks for leaving a nice Comment

 2 years ago  

We all want the money...and more money to join the existing one

 2 years ago  

Yesooo and the money we shall have in aboundace God's willing.