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RE: An Ode for a Treasured Friend

in Hive Learners5 months ago

Amber dear, I am very much aware of what you went through with your family including your own health but I didn't know that your kids had several health challenge as well. That was really a tough year but I am glad you scaled through. Please send my warm hugs to that your friend..she is indeed a saviour and do not feel bad about those doctors who talks anyhow...I have received similar embarrassment from them calling me a bad it's fine

I am glad your amazing friend doctor was there for you

I really wish you and your family a resounding health this new year 🥳


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 5 months ago  

My sweet sassy partner, you are !LUV. Through out the year you kept checking on me and sending warm wishes. I appreciate your existence in my life ❤️. Thanks for being so kind, !LADY

What I can say about those doctors who got the degrees but not the hearts to bear the teachings.

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