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RE: Difficulties in being a Marine Biologist.

in Hive Learners11 months ago

The love and curiosity for nature never ceases. It's always surprising when we see the way life works for other living things like ourself, how different their world is and how they adapt and live comfortably.

I also hope you will be able to pass the passion to your kids 🤗.

 11 months ago  

Very deep thoughts! you mentioned something that is the base of my knowledge:

How different their world is and how they adapt and live comfortably.

That's triggered me a lot during my life! And nature always surprises and these interesting attributes we try to copy in our technology! I know a professor that has a project with Arctic Spiders, he got a grant from NASA because he is studying hibernation and how it maintains these spiders alive for years in hibernation thinking about space travels. lol just an example!

 10 months ago  

Awwwwww 🥰
Good to know

Good morning from Nigeria 😇