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RE: Journal Snippet || Reminiscing On How I Lived With Half A Phone

in Hive Learners β€’ last year

I can imagine how those months were with you. Good thing, you used the opportunity to make your PC ur companion and became a faster typist πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I played with Mavis beacon those days, I could type so fast like a computer but not anymore.
I love using my phone for hive and other things more than's just super convenient for me...I do hope that issues like urs won't arise for me too cos I don't like using pc ..lolz

But Jay, your phone tried oo ..3 good years...that's superb πŸ‘Œ managed it well...I guess the guy was even tired 😴 of you. lolz πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Glad you now have a new phone...Oya, please do and publish a song. I have missed that voice πŸ˜‰πŸ₯°πŸ˜

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Β last yearΒ Β 

My PC is one of my closest companions now, alongside my new phone. And yes, I am now a fast typist. But guess what? I just realised how super slow I have become with a mobile phone.

Now, I make a conscious effort to do most of my engagement with my mobile phone. That way, I can relearn how to type fast and not over-rely on my keyboard dexterity. That'll be going back to square one, somehow.

I think we actually are many that only used Mavis Beacon for fun. We only wanted to get to the end, and that was why we became good at typing then. But as we grew older and busier, we just never practiced.

I really hope (pray, in fact) that you don't go through what I did in the past couple of months. The transition wasn't easy. But if you could learn to type, you should. It actually is satisfying to be able to make posts in under 30 mins.

My phone "over-tried" in fact! I love to get gadgets that will last me for as long as necessary. I love them to be durable and reliable.

Don't worry, I have a song cooking up. I have so missed singing on Hive as well.