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RE: Inked Intimacy

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Olujay took us on a romantic journey with his entry, shooo😍🥰

Hehehe, so interesting that you still practice hand written letters in a world where technology ha taken away most of our traditional ways of doing things. I can't even remember the last time I write something in a paper that much and guess what, we are becoming lazy with spelling and grammar because we can easily get it on net since hand written text I fading away gradually.

@sagarkothari88 vote

 3 months ago  

We are getting lazy with grammar, truly. 😂
We now we use these AI to check grammar and spelling every now and then.

I wonder what engineer would think about a a random handwritten letter from you. Hmmm...

 3 months ago  

I wonder what engineer would think about a a random handwritten letter from you. Hmmm...

Haha 😂, now Jay is sending me an assignment... should I try this🤔🤔