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RE: Returning The Favor

in Hive Learnerslast month

Yea, I have many stories of parents overlooking their children's welfare, leaving the child to fend for himself at tender age. Some of these children end up soiling their hands to evil just to succeed, while some strive and work hard to the of the day, thinking about their parents will be a forgotten issue ..only few can do that.

Personally, I will love to plan for my old age without bothering my kids, God's willing. I wouldn't want to be a burden to them, they have their life to live..but as far as we play parental role to them, any sensible child will remember their parents regardless of how comfortable they are, either by kind or money

 last month  

Yea, I have many stories of parents

wow so u will have stories for us in hangout time O.O. ya it happens everywhere thtas kidna what hapepns when theres nobody to guide them.

What's your plan. I mean you could be a hive millionaire maybe and ull be good. Maybe have enough hbd to just live off interest O.O?

any sensible child will remember their parents regardless of how comfortable they are, either by kind or money

for sure depending on how they were treated?