in Hive Learners8 months ago (edited)

Wouldn't it be nice if you could come to the city of Enugu to spend the holiday with us, so you could put me through the details of how to prepare most of these Native delicacies? Anty Kate requested! It would be better if you could discuss that with Grandma, as she needs my presence at home. Secondly, remember, I handle your husband's building project, and leaving the village for the city of Enugu would mean handing over the building work I do to grandma and obviously, she can't take up the whole stress of going to the market all the time to buy some building materials, I replied..

Anty Kate, as I usually call her, is my uncle's wife, who happened to fall in love with our native food since she got married into my family. She and her husband (my uncle), together with their children, reside in Enugu, Nigeria. I lived in our hometown back then with my grandmother, who is the direct mom to my uncle. Anty Kate and my uncle were always satisfied with how I gave an account of every penny I spent on their building project with all transparency and would return any money left to them after all the checks and balances. This made the couple love me more. Anty Kate also loved my food each time she visited home to see Grandma, and this made her request my visit. She also made me aware that they will be holding on to the building project for some time until further notice until they save more funds to continue. After her dialogue with my grandmother, she accepted her request for my visit to their home in the city of Enugu.

I left with her the following morning, and it turned out to be a whole lot of an ugly experience leaving with them within my short stay. I was still in secondary school back then, and this visit happened during the summer holiday, which is usually the most lengthy holiday. I did my part in teaching Anty Kate all the native foods she desired to learn how to prepare, but it's unfortunate that she and my uncle saw me as a stranger in their home. The moment I arrived, they stopped paying for the cleaning services. There was a charge for a truck to visit each home every morning to pack all trash and dispose of it; however, Anty Kate made me trek a very long distance every morning in search of where to discard trash from home. She would wake me up at 5 a.m. for this task. The destination was so lonely, and I would trek for about 50 minutes before getting to where I could dispose of the trash. Aside from that, I was never fed well, and I can't complain; it was all about their kids, and I felt bad each day, missing home and grandma's food. The very day I felt sick, it took my uncle two days before he thought of getting medication for me. Yet, I did my best to assist them with chores at home, but they never saw that. Anty Kate had this bitterness against me for no reason, as she finds fault in virtually all that I do.

I wasn't feeling at home at some point in their house and therefore requested for them to take me home, but they replied that my stay isn't over until the holiday is over! I had no phone then to communicate with my mom, and so I kept enduring all their ill attitudes toward me. The very day I went to the kitchen to add a little stew to the white rice she gave me, it was a disaster, and I can't forget that day in a hurry. I used to think that Anty Kate and my uncle were friendly people until I lived with them!

Most times, they would luck me up inside their house with the kids and leave to work. This is to make sure that I don't go to any neighbor to complain or whatever, but I must say that I experienced what it looked like to be in a prison in their home and lots more that I can't voice out here, but I'm glad I finally left their home when the holiday was over!

Now that I have my own home, I have been living with my cousin for some years.

My cousin and I

I didn't experience what it looks like to feel at home in Anty Kate's house. I desired that even though I didn't get it, but I feel that it doesn't cost much to treat people with you so nicely, and this is exactly what I have strived to do with my cousin living with me. I wouldn't want her to have such an experience as mine in Anty Kate's home. Each day I try my best to make her feel at home in my house.


Treat others just the way you would want them to treat you. It's that simple and leads to a healthier lifestyle.

The end!

Please note: This is a true-life story inspired by the #hivelearners community!

The image is mine!


 8 months ago  

That's a very sad experience. It's not even a surprise anymore because so many people mistreat their own brother or sister once they live together. It's so sad to imagine what would be the case if such people have a stranger under their roof.

I'm glad you survived that incident and chose to take a different approach now that you have a home of your home. We are all proud of you and we are grateful for all the care, love and attention you are showing our little baby. Thanks so much. God Bless You so so so much 🙂.

 8 months ago  

Kene, it was an experience and remembering those days only makes me to feel bad and I begin to wonder why people can be terrible.. relatives as that! well, I am glad the experience taught me a life lesson which has assisted me to live rightly with people. I am glad I could take care of your baby sis a little, we are praying for more peaceful experience, and a beautiful lifestyle together; the type that people will live to remember you always for good.

 8 months ago  

Thanks so much for all you are already doing oOoOO. I already downloaded the picture you attached to the post. Haha. It's a very awesome one and it looks like a picture of two Oyibo people that came on a tour to Nigeria 😂.

A lot is really happening in the world shaaa. We don't look like what we've experienced.

 8 months ago  

Hahaha 😂😂
Who just hacked our picture 😂

 8 months ago  

From the upside many people try to act cool and show them as a good people but actually they are not so good like they pretend. And many people easily deceived by their appearance. They have ill thoughts in their mind and you were a victim and I feel bad for you.

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 8 months ago  

Yea, I was a victim.. people does not appear to be what they looked like when you get closer.
Thanks for reading and for the curation 🤗

 8 months ago  

Sorry about that - she loved your cooking but not you although you were family. I never quite understnad these types of sentiments and treatment. I am sure your parent were shocked about it. Really a pity.
I am sure that you are a wonderful to your young cousin. Nice photo.

 8 months ago  

She loved my cooking more than me, hahaha..such is life..
Yea, my parents was surprised though but we accepted the situation that way..I am trying my best to be wonderful to my cousin here🤗

 8 months ago  

Ahhh so what we do see in movies are true indeed, I had quite a similar experience or maybe worse.

I think maybe that's what I'll share as my story but let's see how it goes.

How is that your aunt and uncle now? Don't they ask of you? 😅 I doubt they would, too bad for them... They definitely wouldn't want anyone to treat their kids the way they treated you, what a life!

I'm glad you're not using your experience in the negative aspect but instead treating your cousin even better. Sorry about your experience momma, you got stronger 😁

 8 months ago  

Yea...some of this movies are derived from life experiences..oh..too bad you experienced such too

Haaaaaaaaaa, they ask of me with plenty respect.. infact, their second daughter is craving to come live with me here in, imagine..but it's fine...the much I can do is to be nice to people regardless of the past

Stronger nkem 😉😂

 8 months ago  

You are amazing momma, a great inspiration 🤗
Keep it up and I'll follow suit hehe

 8 months ago  

One thing we don't always see from afar is the real intention of people. They are so good to cover it with their clothes and smiles. It takes coming close to them to really get to know the type of person they are.

 8 months ago  

Exactly my takes coming close to see the true nature of's a pity I was a victim here

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 8 months ago  

It's hard to know who people are until we get close to them and if that didn't happen, you wouldn't have known the true nature of your aunt.

This is the reason why many parents today won't allow their children to go on holiday to family members place because people are not who we always think they are.

 8 months ago  

Exactly... getting closer to people unravel a lot.. and trusting a family member this days takes a lot. I do hope that human beings can actually allow their conciense to work

This is very bad. The way some people treat others is something else. You are here today and think that others won't get there.
Thanks to God you have learnt a very big lessons

 8 months ago  

Of course... people feel like a mini god with their little position and use it to suppress others

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y que hicieron solitos, ahhh?

 8 months ago  

It is good you decided to use the lesson learned from their maltreatment to be better. I wonder how they will be seeing you now knowing how much hell they put you through

 8 months ago  

I’ve watch movies and heard stories about how family members treat people badly when they go to stay with the. Some people are really heartless but you never know until you get closer to them.
Treating someone well wouldn’t make you less of a person but rather you get more blessings and success. Your experience is what made you who you are today. Keep doing good for others and you’ll surely be payed back in thousand folds.

 8 months ago (edited) 

Yea, treating people nice makes you even feel fulfilled and sincerely, that experience made me a better person, I must say

 8 months ago  

Just keep being you.❤️

 8 months ago  

It's so sad people forget that we are all humans and no body no matter how small they are shouldn't be treated badly. Stories like this make it difficult for parents to let their children live with relatives, the hearts of some men are wicked, they only pretend outwardly.

It's good you didn't allow the ill-treatment to get to you, you are a better person than they were.

 8 months ago  

Indeed, such stories wouldn't make a parent who give out her child to a relative to have peace of mind . I wish people can be more nice to their fellow humans

 8 months ago  

People will fake their good attitude making you think they are the best and nicest people on earth until you live with them before you know who they truly are. Just imagine what Aunty Kate did to you and how she treated you in her home, so unfair. But that is how most people act. They make you feel free around them just to achieve their aim and once they got what they want, that is when you see the real them.

 8 months ago  

It's unfortunate that some people even maltreat their relatives. It's out of selfishness and not allowing their conciense into play, if not, people will think about their actions before acting

It us good to be good.
It is funny how you put it that you thought aunty Kate was nice until you lived with them😂
I can relate.
Distance buries a lot of ugly characters of relations.
It prevents what we refer to as 'see finish'
If you ask me, I would encourage you to keep being good to people regardless your past ugly experiences with Aunty Kate.
Everyone is at their own lane on this race of life.
Nice that you shared
My regards

 8 months ago  

Yesoo, distance hide alot of ugly human nature until we get closer, however, it's all an experience with life lessons
Thanks for your feedback

You are welcome ma'am

 8 months ago  

Most people don't know the blessings attached to treating others like yourself. You may not reap it now but someday you will see the worth.

I don't buy the idea of staying with anyone at all. If you like be my uncle or aunty as long as it's not my father's house and my family are not there, I can't stay with you.

Turning someone's child into a slave because she is not yours, if someone treated their child that way, will they be happy about it. Sha, they say na condition make crayfish bend. Sorry for that experience

 8 months ago  

People with different way of life... it's always better to leave peacefully with people...a great lifestyle to adopt
Thanks for reading

 8 months ago  

Wow! I can only imagine the disappointment you would've felt at that time.
I can't even believe your sister-in-law and uncle could treat you like that, some people are just so heartless. It was just so unfortunate you couldn't communicate with your family to tell them how you were treated.

I'm glad you didn't let that get the better of you.

 8 months ago  

My dear, the least people I expected to do such are close relatives but it's unfortunate

 8 months ago  

It would have even been better to tell you not to live with them from the onset. I so much dislike it when people are treated poorly
It annoys me a lot…

 8 months ago  

When they are the one that requested for it..some people doesn't have conciense

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Thank you ecency

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Thank you very much

 8 months ago  


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 8 months ago  

Thanks for the update buzzy

Go for it, @nkemakonam89! Set your sights on that new target and keep pushing forward. Remember, every small step brings you closer to your goal.

This is why it is said that, "Not all that glitter is gold!". Pretence! Some people are born with it that you'd think they are angels when you meet with them, but the moment you get closer to them, you'll get to realize they are inhumane.

It is sad you had to go through that. Only if the nose could smell a bad person from afar, life would have been better. That's why there's a quote in my dialect that translates, "The nose is wicked because it can't smell bad people."

However, it is nice to know you value human life which makes you treat your cousin sister rightly. You are doing well Nne. Daalu kwa.

Hello dearest fashionable dreemer. Happy Wednesday. A new day is here to bless us with it presence. I hope you are ready with that priceless laughter of yours to fill our ears rhythmically because you are a gem in our world. I waltzed in from #dreemport, for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.

 8 months ago  

Looks like I will plead with my nose to always help me smell bad people so I can run away for my dear life 😂
Thanks for your nice comment babe

Omo, if it happens, teach me how to do that, too. I feel like running. Lol.

I'm so sorry you had to go through all this. How is Anty Katy now? I'm sure she is regretting it.
Your cousin is so fortunate to have you.
Nice post

 8 months ago  

Perhaps she is regretting it..but it's is all about ups and downs

 8 months ago  

I tell this a lot to people @You don’t know a person’s true character until you live with them”
Most people seem so nice on the outside but living with them is a whole mess.
Well it was in the past Atleast.

Popped in from #dreemport

 8 months ago  

You are right, glad it's already my past.. thanks for visiting babe

 8 months ago  

You’re welcome ☺️

It's good to treat people well that one is a sure thing, because there is a thing called karma.


 8 months ago  

Very important
Sorry, I missed this comment

 8 months ago  

People can be wicked this is the reason i don't go to Aunty's house because they're something else I see no wrong in treating people nicely thanks for trying your best to make sure your cousin is fine.


 8 months ago  

Lol...some people aren't accommodating indeed

 8 months ago  

Yes dear