I Shunned Bullies For A Brother

in Hive Learners3 months ago
Hello Friends,

Many people think it's only the person that wears the shoe that knows where it hurts. But in reality, It's usually not easy to watch your love ones in pain and not being able to help them. Our love ones are usually a great part of us, and being that emotionally connected, you would just unconsciously see yourself feeling their pains.

This was the case of my younger brother and some of his older friends. I have a younger brother that loves rolling with friends that are bigger and stronger than him. And he always get to offend and talk to them carelessly.

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I know my brother is stubborn, as I have even gotten some reports about his bad behaviors. I have warned him to be of good behavioral standard, and even told him that I won't come to his rescue whenever he is in trouble for doing the wrong thing.

I would not necessarily support injustice or favour the person I love, and I knew my brother was aware of this side of me. Many times my brother would come to me and report a fight between himself and one of this his bigger friends, but I would end up settling the matter in peace, without violence.

There was a period my brother thought I was biased towards him, and that I would never defend him in the days of trouble, even when he was not at fault. But all that changed the day he followed those bigger friends of his to a swimming pool located at the outskirt of town.

I wasn't aware of his whereabout on that day, but I never bothered because he was always going out and coming back late. It was evening already (few minutes past 4pm), and I was preparing to go play a football match against one of the toughest team in the state.

Just when I was about stepping out of the house, I got a call from one of my brother's loyal friend, telling me that my brother is being attacked and assault in a swimming pool that was at the outskirt of town.

The news rang over and over in my head, and I was immediately devastated. I was the captain of my football team, so I was supposed to be in the field to lead my team to victory, but at this time all I thought was the situation of brother.

Without wasting time, I took my bike, and escorted by one of my friend we headed off to the swimming pool of the incident. On getting there, I was shocked at how rowdy and noisy the place was.

My brother was literally crying, as he was held by about 5 boys who were all bigger than him. They held him down in the water and took turns to soak him inside the water while laughing hard.

I showed up and asked what had happened, but the boys ignored me because they knew I wasn't always involved in stuffs like this. They thought I wasn't going to do anything, and that I was too weak to defend my brother.

It was my brother who was almost suffocating that told me that the boys had planned to deal with him even before they came there, because they seemed him to prideful and stubborn.

So this boys were just bent on humiliating my brother in front of everybody because they perceived him to be stubborn and prideful. "This was a stupid reason to do this to my brother," I thought to myself.

I asked the boys what they had to say for their defense, but they still kept ignoring me. Just while the boys were still ignoring me and talking to themselves, I lost my patience and began slapping them one by one.

I went at them with all the wrath in me. My friend joined me to fight them, and although it was a 2 Vs 5 battle, we didn't only beat them, but 3 of them went to the hospital from there as result of injuries sustained.

This was a side of me that my brother hadn't seen before, because although I was regarded as a strict person, I wasn't violent. I just couldn't help but shun injustice. I generally hate bullies, and I would fight any form of bullying I witness, even if it's not done to my love ones.

Thanks for your time here.