The cheapest and most expensive food I’ve ever eaten

in Hive Learners6 months ago

We have different ways of craving for food.
Food is one of thr things that gives us joy.

Well,to some food doesn’t matter ,all they care about is just to eat.
But its not about just eating. There are other things attached to it.
The nutritional value of food is really important.
I love food to some extent.

When i talk about the nutritional value,that doesn’t mean that cheapest food aren’t nutritional.

I believe cheapest foods and expensive foods is based on our capacity to provide food.
As human,sometimes we crave for expensive food even though we lack the ability to get.

But honestly,sometimes its good to go for expensive foods when we have the ability to get it .

But sometimes the cheapest foods are the easiest to prepare
Looking at the image i posted,this foods are easy to prepare and they are cheap.
But compared to expensive that has a lot of stress to prepare.


Food is very essential and whether its cheap or expensive,they all have there nutritional value and importance to our health.