For Love: Do's And Don't's Of Love.

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Greetings everyone.

The hive learners in alliance with the newbies initiative are here with another interesting topic of discussion.

At one time or the other, we all have been in love. Many of us are even in love now, tell us all those things you can do for love, how far you are willing to go. And then the things you will never do. We would love to know.

Every human being sometimes in their life tends to fall in love or catch feelings. Some end up falling in love with the wrong person which makes them vow never to do certain things for love ever again, while the lucky ones fall in love with their soulmate who they'd do anything to see them happy. Love is indeed a beautiful thing but if and only if you are with the right person. Love acts like a bridge as it connects different people with different mindsets together, making them behave or act as one.

Making certain sacrifices for the one you love and all in the name of love is fine but to some extent they might be seen as you been foolish and that is where the Do's and Don't's of Love comes into play.


Things I Can Do For Love.



Support My Partners Dream: Actually having a supportive partner and vise versa is a blessing, many ladies and gentlemen this days only wants the other to support their dreams and on the other hand don't want to reciprocate, sorry to say but relationship this days are just one-sided as the ladies think it is the duty of the man to do everything.

I Can Offer You My Loyalty: If I love you no matter how long the distance between us might be I'd still be yours, many relationship crumbled the moment distance stepped in between the lovers due to lack of trust and the inability to offer loyalty to the relationship.

Sacrifice My Time To be With You: They say time is priceless and cannot be replaced once wasted, so I can only spend quality time with you if I love. On this side of the world everyday is work day, therefore one can only make out time to be with you if they Love you.

Accept My Partner For Who They Are: Many relationship did not work out because they could not accept each for they are, many people want an already made partner and would never accept people with flaws and forgetting that nobody is perfect.


How Far I Am Willing To Go For Love.


I can go as far as how I feel for you and vise versa can carry me, if you don't reciprocate the vibes then I don't see reasons to even make moves for you. I have gone as far as making certain sacrifices that were not worth it.


Things I Can Never Do For Love.



I Can Not Stand A Cheating Partner: I have seen a lot of couples forgive one another countless times after cheating and they did so because they loved the other, on my path I don't think I can love to an extent of letting you toy with my emotions by cheating and then I still welcome you with opened arms.

I Cannot Stand Been Insulted: Not only ladies suffer from been insulted in a relationship these days, for one reason or the other many people suffer from been insulted in a relationship, maybe due to inability to provide and all that.

Fighting Over A Lady: The last thing on my bucket list is fighting for love, even here in my school seen guys fight but on my path I don't think that day will ever come.

In conclusion these days, Love does not really give butterflies anymore, they just serve breakfast (heartbreak).

 2 years ago  

Love does not really give butterflies anymore, they just serve breakfast (heartbreak).

these words are very cool and have a very deep meaning.

 2 years ago  

Indeed they have deep meaning.
Thanks for reading my post.

 2 years ago  

Very cool

This is what happens nowadays, you just wake up and your partner will just breakup with you because she/he is not happy anymore 🤣🤣

 2 years ago  

The last part though... But very true, we only hope and pray we meet those who would serve us lunch continuously 😂

Your do's and don'ts for love are cool, you are a rare one. Just make sure to keep that spirit up.

 2 years ago  

My Coach with another level of whining. Thanks for the compliment. 😊

 2 years ago  

Hahaha you're welcome 😊

 2 years ago  

Beautifully written friend. I hope you get to also love someone who loves you as much as you love them, so you would be served breakfast, hehehe 🤭🤭.

 2 years ago  

We need who will be serving us lunch now, we don chop breakfast like palliative and it is enough.

 2 years ago  

😂😂, yes oo, it's lunch time.

 2 years ago  

me I don't believe you guys fight over a lady o😒 , it's mostly the other way round 😔.

This is beautiful anyways.

 2 years ago  

Guys fight ooo though is rare.
Thanks for reading.

 2 years ago  

You are a lover boy, absolute sweet guy🤲🤲🤲

 2 years ago  

Bro I dy fear ojuju oo

 2 years ago  

Well written dear, I can't also stand a cheating partner, it irritates me. I will just break up with you once I know you're cheating

 2 years ago  

A cheating partner is the worst especially those that don't show any sign of remorse🤦🏼‍♂️.

 2 years ago  

Yeah you're right

Cheating partners are the source of a lot of problems faced in relationships today, with full-grown adults who just can't control themselves. It is bad indeed.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful post with us.

 2 years ago  

Cheating is indeed uncalled for but many people have decided to make it habitual.