My One special Wish.

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Greetings everyone.

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Writing this post actually got me thinking, most of the things we always wished for never came to pass but we still make wishes and have a lot of wishes, though some are special. We all have wishes but have some wishes we want to come true so badly.

My One Special Wish.

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I made a grief mistake when I was tender, I never took my studies serious and now it has serious effect on me here in the university. I wish I could turn back the hands of time to when I was in my secondary school days so I can correct my mistakes.
During my secondary school days I prefer to skip classes and hang out with friends than to be in class listening to whatever gibberish the teacher had to say, then I thought I was living the best of life, I believed it was the way cause I surrounded myself with wrong set of people and called them friends.

I never had a good foundation in physics, and today I am in the university studying Engineering, you know what that means, I know the stress I undergo whenever exams are around the corner, I study From the scratch so I don't miss out on anything, I watch YouTube videos and all that, today I am paying for the sins of my youthful age, today I undergo this amount of stress all because of I allowed myself to be influenced by some set of persons I shouldn't have allowed to be called my friends.

Whenever exams are around the corner I cry in my heart, for there's no course I offer that is not in one way or the other related to physics, there is no way I can escape the repercussions of my actions, I never for once thought it'd be like this, every day I wish I could turn the hands of time, go back to my secondary school days and never miss any class and especially physics class. No attending classes hunted me years later and I always wish I could turn the hands of time, only I know what I face when it's time for exams.

  • if it were possible to get a time machine, I would have done that already.
 2 years ago  

This is lovely. Mistakes can be hunting. I love physics tho. Well, it's not too late to relearn. Right? Good read.

 2 years ago  

I am scared of that subject and every course related to it but I can't runaway from it.

 2 years ago  

It's never too late to correct your mistakes, you can dedicate your life to your books, try to understand what they're saying and when you're confused, you can ask questions, I'm sure your teacher will be willing and ready to explain to you when you open up to him.

I hope you will be able to solve your problem.

 2 years ago  

I am trying to solve the problem already, it's just a lot more stressful than it would have been if I had paid attention in class when I had the chance.

 2 years ago  

I wish you all the best

 2 years ago  

I understand that feeling. You would do well as long as you keep refreshing your brain by going through textbooks and other lectures you've had.

 2 years ago  

I am trying all I can dear.

Thanks for reading.

My dear... you are not the only one.
While in secondary school I never took further Maths seriously, even though I was going to study an Engineering course.
A few years later, Calculus was doing me strong thing. I just went to my new friends that knew Calculus and had them teach me.
I believe that provided you are willing to learn, it will never be difficult to do so. Don't let a mistake in the past ruin what is meant to be a great future.
Anyway, a big thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

I am willing to learn but the stress of reading from the scratch is just something else sir.

Calculus was doing me strong thing.

This one made me laugh, hope you later grabbed everything about calculus from the friends ??

Yeah... But I only learned enough for me to pass the exams. I have forgotten it all now.
Who Calculus epp?😂
I have left it behind now, I hope😎

 2 years ago  

This got me smiling, Calculus Is really an interesting aspect of Mathematics though.
Quite fun and enjoyable if the basis is gotten though.

 2 years ago (edited) 

Ahh... That one is for you o😂
The rules in that course are just too much joor. And the applications are too many.
I wonder how you guys even keep up.
If you enjoy it, then you are probably one of the good students😂

 2 years ago  

Nothing in this life is easy boss.
Nag God help us all.

Good student k. nothing gum me ohh senior man..

 2 years ago  

Quite a nice wish to say, But we have to look back and learn from our mistakes.
It is still not late to work on your self sir.
with the right dedication and energy, a well laid down goal with God's help can get you right back on track.

Nicely written bro.