Lessons learnt in the year 2022


Image from unsplash byBelinda Fewings

The year 2022 is going to an end in the next few hours. 2022 is wrapping up to become history and the activities done in 2022 will become people past.

Am pretty sure everyone learn one or the other lessons this year so do i. I found it diffcult to remember the what the year 2022 taught me but am glad to have a diary which bring me back to the past to show me my mistakes and correct me with a lesson.

Life is full of lessons people say, come to think of it stay alive for 365 days is by the grace of God. Many are dead but we remain #aliveandthriving all thanks to God for his awesome wonders and mercy that had been sustaining us all to this present moment.

Still sharing "the lessons i learnt in the year 2022". Lessons are what build knowledge in our life they are path of us they are something we can't ignore most especially when things turn upside down.

I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we're all teachers - if we're willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door. Marla Gibbs

People stay when things are good:

Honestly the statement is true. People stay with you when things are good. I could remember;March i guess, i am use to giving out things to people steadily because of my parents came across a huge amount of money, i gave to my friends who are needy, people stay with me mostly my friends and neighbors we eat foods together and drink together. Suddenly things changed the other way all of them went away, when they realize am not with money they ran from me, avoiding me, ignoring my text messages.

The lesson was tough though it true, people stay with you when things are good. It something i hardly believe, to see someone i love deeply avoiding me when am left with nothing but am happy i came out with a lesson which train me up for good.

Trust no one:

Trust is something we easy place on someone who act nice to us. There use to be a boy who was a friend of mine, he use to be a nice boy to me but i didn't realised he is a green snake under a green grass, he told me he wanted to be a tax collector so i start to be the first person giving him money i had up to 20 of dollars with him which i had raise when i need it most the boy disappeared.

Trust no one only Jehovah. It a hard lesson yes it is but am feeling excited because in he next year i will avoid to make such a mistake again.

At this point i will be wishing everyone happy new year in advance. I learnt lot of lessons things year but i remember just this two with the aid of my diary.

What have the year 2022 taught you?
Which lessons did you learn in the year 2022?

I will love to hear from you.


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 last year  

Humans will always be humans don't ever trust people or depend on humans they will always fail

Indeed you are 100 percent right my friend, happy new year ♥️

 last year  

Happy new year 💝

 last year  

As for me, I have also learned a lot in 2022. One lesson that stands out is the importance of adaptability and resilience. This year has brought with it a lot of challenges and unexpected changes, and I have had to learn to adapt and bounce back from those challenges. I have also learned the importance of taking care of my mental and physical health, as well as the value of supporting and uplifting others.

I hope that 2023 brings even more growth and learning opportunities for all of us. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!

Wow what a great lesson, taking care of mental and physical health is something really important which everyone should focus on.
. happy new year Boss Tomi

 last year  

Thanks rosh

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