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RE: Lockdown or no lockdown

in Hive Learners2 years ago

People always say introverts are boring, but when the pandemic came, we were the ones that were perfectly fine. We have this nature of being self-sufficient as we tend to make our necessities available before they arise so we wouldn't need to go out and all.

I am not all introverted, but that part of me made me last through the lockdown. The only thing I could have changed about that period of my life is actually being more productive. So there'll be another, I'd be prepared this time, no matter how long. And u should be fine.

 2 years ago  

you are right man, i don't think introvert see any difference between lockdown or no lockdown, their routine and lifestyle still remain the same,only the extrovert are getting sick for staying indoor too long lol

 2 years ago  

Too bad for them introverts. They'll have to find a way to adapt.