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RE: Presenting a Final Year Project on UAVs

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Brother, this felt like it was my defense back when I did mine. It's just the same experience. Quite a rough day, I know! Thankfully, you're now a step closer to finally graduating. I hope they were playing about the -10 marks, though. Marks don scarce for market


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I saw it on my feed and just said oh wow
Who is this handsome and smart man?
UAV, I don’t know what that is but I’m sure he is smart to have chosen that topic

 2 months ago  

That's my brother, you know. 😂

And he is smart and handsome.

UAV are basically drones. He's studying the same thing I did in school. I have a fun fact to share in DM, by the way.

Your biological brother?

 2 months ago  

Not actually... But we're that close

Like the same experience? Damn I would not be really surprised 😂😂😂