Promoting open-mindedness and acceptance in parenting.

in Hive Learnerslast month


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You know when it comes to religion I don't think anything bad about it because I believe that we are all serving the same God only difference is the name we are calling HIM. In the bible, the scriptures say: Train up a child the way he should go and when he is old he will never depart from it. As a parent, I would make sure to be concerned about my child's well-being and happiness. If they grow up and decide to switch to a different way of life, for example, a different religion, culture, etc, I would want to understand their reason behind the decision and if I see they were unable to give me genuine reason then I would sit them down by letting them know that it has never happened in our family from the past generations and it wouldn't start from them.

But imagine, as a parent, I've invested my time, energy, and love into nurturing my child to be a better person and also shaping their upbringing so they grow up enough and decide to explore a different part, whether it's a different religion, culture, etc, I would feel disappointed by asking myself maybe I didn't give them enough upbringing or I lack to direct them in a good part way.

Rather than reacting impulsively or trying to bring them back to the right pathway that has already been laid out for them, I would sit them down and try to understand what's driving their desire for change by listening attentively to their reason without judging them, by doing this it will strengthen our bond and also will demonstrate my unwavering love for them.


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As a parent, it's not my decision to dictate for my children but for me to teach and guide them to a good pathway. Also, it's our duty as a parent, to support our children in whatever they are doing, for example, if we want our children to study doctor but our child's ambition is to become lawyers, then we have to support them, even if our choice is different from them, it's our duty to see them happy and not to see them unhappy.

However, it's crucial for me as a parent to understand their journey of self-discovery, rather than imposing or dictating my own beliefs or opinions on them, as a parent I would want to encourage them not discourage them from exploring different perspectives, they should make their own choices or decisions.

As a parent, trying to force them to adhere to my way of life without even understanding their own interests only strains our relationship and potentially harms them. But have decided in my mind that I would surely give my child or children a good upbringing, and I would make sure to teach them a lot of things right from a tender age and also try to listen to my child or children's opinions so that it would affect our relationship.

Thanks for reading ❤❤❤❤❤.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 last month  

I really love your way of thinking, I believe parents should cultivate this perspective of yours. We need to understand that children also deserves to have their own opinion in matters concerning their lives, it is not logical to always force our ways and opinions on them just because they are ours

 last month  

Yes, our children also deserves to have their own opinion and not that we will be forcing our opinion on them.

 last month  

When a child wants to make his or her decisions, the best parents can do is to advice and pray for them not forcing them to fit into their own will.

 last month  


 last month  

I loved the part where you said as a parent you should guide but it's also important to pray. Our children will surely go out and mix with others and we just have to keep praying they don't forget their upbringing

Lovely post ma'am

 last month  

Yes, a parent must guide, support and pray for their children's well-being.

As a parent we are just there to guide and support them, but the decision is still on them.

 last month  

Yes, as a parent we are to guide and support them but not to force our opinion on them.

 last month  

I like your approach to handling your children's decisions. Giving them an avenue to express themselves and their reasons for their decisions without judgement is second to none. It will definitely make them grow close and fond of you as a parent.