My Approach to Being a great Parents

in Hive Learners24 days ago

Hello Everyone in this Amazing Community.
I hope you are all doing well?


One of the biggest task is being a parent, When you are with you wife or maybe your husband and then you both were blessed with amazing kids too.
Training of your children come with a whole lot of responsibility. Be it financially, taking care of the basic needs of the child, buying clothes, feeding them, taking them to school and many other financial responsibilities.
Emotional Support, this is ranging from enough quality time with the children, and listening ears and many others. Instilling of discipline and morals.
Spiritual support too, funny people underestimate this part probably because they felt it not important or so, but this is one of the most important aspect of parenting that can make a child live to be a responsible person in the society


Many things are rapidly changing in this present generation, gone are those days when respect and good morals are seen in every kids out there, right now, in this present day generation, parents do little to work more on that aspect. Exposure to all sorts and all kinds of strange culture and value has really made the gen z has little or no respect or moral upright.


What can i do if my Child has a different view of things?

If My child changed in thought, culture, religion or lifestyle, there are many things that can be done to correct things or maybe possibly make them have a change of Mind or maybe have a rethink.
Let Make some couple of examples.
If My Child decides to Change religion My Approach to this would be to call my Daughter or son and try to convince them to see the truth in what i believe, and believe me, even after trying to make my child have a rethink or change of religion, if they turned out to still change their religion, i won't force it on them, i would just consistently pray to God to touch the heart of such child. This is because it might take constant prayers and support to change such child.
My parents did well to put me on the right path, and am super Glad for the Good work done on that regards.

If My Child decided to become Gay, cross dressing or Any Abnormal Lifestyle
My Approach towards this might be quite confrontational and directly intended for a quick fix in change of lifestyle.
My child becoming Gay (God Forbid), this to me simply means i failed as parent to successfully bring up my child to be a responsibly person in the society.
For this kind of change in the child, i would try my best to take every necessary action and step to change that type of living. To my own kind of way of life, i know most people reading this would have a contrary views on this regard. The Bible said in Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV) “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

What will i do as a parent to get the best out of my Kids
First off Pray
The importance of praying can't be over emphasized, there is need for wisdom from God, Definitely God will give you wisdom and insight into what your child needs. ...
Support: There is need for constant support to my kids, be it financial, academically and materially.

Being a Good Listener :
I would be a very good listener to my kids. Whenever you pay more attention to them, you are definitely creating a strong bond between you and your kids, this will result in stronger bond in the family

Know your Kids
Its is very important to really know much about your kids, this will make you understand what the love to do, what they dislike, what they love, and this will make your relationship between you and your kids.

In conclusion:
The best thing to do whenever your kids goes stray is to help in every way possible

Thank you All for reading through,

Do gave a Day,

 23 days ago  

Oh! Olu you have all preparations for your coming kids. As parents we should support the ideas and deeds of our kids. Sometimes they can be wrong but mostly they are right. We should not force them at any aspect even they show up Gayism etc. I respect your views but be a nice father then you can expect a nice kid, have a good day sir.

 23 days ago  

Thank you Mr Aslam

 23 days ago  

I love that many of us are taking up that scripture in Proverbs because it suits well with the topic of discussion.
No parents would want to see their kids going different from what they are brought up with but if it's something worth it and would make them become good persons, then, parents can support them and if not, they must do all it takes to make them understand the right path especially through prayer.

 23 days ago  

That's it o, Most of the time Kid turns into what parents don't expect, we can only pray God take control and try our very best to support