Busy Saturday

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone
How are you all doing?
Happy weekend to everyone.

So yesterday I went to visit my aunt after I long time. It's been more than a year since I visited her, though it came as a surprise to her when I called her in the morning to inform her that I will be visiting.

Since there's nothing to do in school and the Academy Staff Union Of Universities (ASUU) is still on strike and I have been waiting patiently for them to call it off instead, it was extended by extra 8 weeks which is so frustrating. The only option I had was to visit my aunt so I could spend more time with my nephews and nieces.

I was so happy seeing everyone, they have all grown taller, I could barely recognize the last born of the house, I thought she was the eldest daughter.lol

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like some people will say that Saturdays are for cleaning and taking care of the house, they were very right to say that, though some say Saturdays are for hangout and catching up with old friends. I can't wait for that Saturday where I get to hangout with friends instead of cleaning the house. Though aside Saturday, you can actually clean anytime of the week, but the general cleanup is where the fun is.

So this morning we woke up with work on ground. Everyone was engaged in different things. There was no time to play nor chat with anyone. Some were washing clothes, while I was busy at the kitchen cleaning, washing plates and afterwards, I prepared breakfast for everyone.

So without much explanation, I have had a busy day, though still busy, I just took a few minutes to update my Hive account.

So let's have an interactive moment. How is your Saturday like? Are you out with friends or you're busy cleaning up your environment?

Drop your comments on the comment box let have fun together.

Thanks for stopping by

 2 years ago  

Your post has been successfully curated by Newbies Initiative and Hive Learner curation team. Thank you for your committed efforts, we invite you to do more and continue to post high-quality posts for a chance to win a valuable upvote from our curating team.

 2 years ago  

Thank you @newbies-hive

 2 years ago  

Hmm my Saturday isn't eventful either, am just here meeting up with my clients target.

Have a blessed day ahead.

 2 years ago  

That's nice
Do have a great day 😚

 2 years ago  

You're welcome, thanks.

 2 years ago  

On Saturday I have to go to the market and buy fish and meat from the market. I don't have any work on Saturday after shopping and after shopping I go out to chat with my friends.

 2 years ago  

Then who does the cooking if I may ask?

 2 years ago  

MY mother

 2 years ago  


Hello @otuyanancy, this is a beautiful post. I can see that you are having a busy Saturday. You are doing well...
But I can see that you made use of the #hl-exclusive tag for a post that is not based on the chosen topic. This is an abuse of the tag and could risk your post getting muted in the community.
I suggest you change it at once.
Thank you for your cooperation.

 2 years ago  

Thank you

 2 years ago  

I have done that already
Thanks once again

 2 years ago  

Hello Nancy, lovely Saturday again and I totally understand with how Saturday can be so exhausting. Weldone and hope you enjoy the weekend💜

 2 years ago  

How are you doing
I'm having fun
Thanks for stopping by

 2 years ago  

Nancy Nancy 🔥🔥🔥🔥
The girl on fire

 2 years ago  

How far na

 2 years ago  

I dey my G

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

My Saturdays is always jam-packed with lots of cleaning, family needs shopping and cooking of different soups for the week ahead.

How my Saturday is like? Busy will be under statement...

 2 years ago  

Wow I can understand.
Happy Sunday

 2 years ago  

Same to you dear.

 2 years ago  

Well done dear you did really well doing the house shores.

I was really busy as well, because I had to have someone's hair done.

 2 years ago  

That's true you're really an amazing hair stylist. When will you braid my hair?😜

 2 years ago  

When you're ready, just call me and also prepare my tee fare😁😁.

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

Okay ooo

 2 years ago  

Yeah 😅😅.