Could What They Say About Me Be True?

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello everyone

Welcome to my blog

Happy weekend to you all, I hope you’re all having a great time out there, it feels so good to be here today and I’m sure this weekend is going well for each and every one of us. For this week’s edition on the #hivelearners contest which is all about being a stereotype, you can get more information about this contest on @kronais post.
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It is true that most people get missed judged about themselves, it could either be based on their physical appearance or based on their character. This reminds me of my very close friend Glory, many people thinks she do form a lot because of the way she behaves not knowing that she’s just being herself.

When we were in secondary school, most people don’t like talking to her that much, back then she was the head girl but her character had always been like that till date, when she runs, she runs like those India girls that doesn’t even have strength and when she talks, her intonation changes a lot so people used that to tag her as someone who likes to show off😂😂 can you even believe that🤨

On several occasions, our classmates had come to me to tell my friend to stop forming that it doesn’t suit her and I do tell them that it’s just her personality and that she wasn’t showing off. It’s very hard to convince someone, they didn’t believe me, they thought I was only covering for her because she’s my friend but far from that, once you get to know her, you will understand that it’s just her personality and nothing more. Let me not bore you all with my friend’s story about being a stereotype, it’s all about me so I will tell you a little story about myself and how people missed judged me.

One thing about me is that you can never know when I’m lying and when I’m saying the truth, that’s what my friends always say. They believe that whatever I tell them is always a lie because Nancy tends to joke with everything🤣🤣. Whenever I tell them the truth they believe it’s a lie and whenever I lie, they think I’m saying the truth. It’s confusing right?

I could remember when I started learning how to bake, my colleague asked me what state I came from and i laughed before telling her my state, could you imagine that she didn’t even believe me, she thought I was lying and the only thing that could come out from her mouth was that “Nancy when will you ever say the truth”. I wasn’t surprised because whenever I say the truth they will think I’m lying 🤥

Aside being judged of not always being truthful, I have also been judged of being strict because of my physical looks. People thinks I don’t really smile and as such I would be a difficult person to approach not knowing that I’m the sweetest person and also an easy going person to approach. How can you basically judge me by my physical looks? Although it had happened several times but yet I just kept on living my life.

How has it affected me

It didn’t really affect me that much since it was something almost everyone likes saying especially the aspect of not always saying the truth when it’s the opposite. Although at first, I found it difficult to blend in with people after hearing what they said about being difficult and all that, but in order not to be affected emotionally, I tried my best to improve on myself.

But in the aspect of people taking my words to be lies, I had to leave it that way because most times I use it to catch cruise and confuse my enemies 🤣🤣🤣

Thanks for reading

 2 years ago  

That's just human nature and it's natural. Sometimes we do these things as well even if we don't say our thoughts.

Being misjudged shouldn't really bother us, it is just people's false opinions about us.

 2 years ago  

That’s true
Thanks for your contribution

 2 years ago  

I can relate very well to that aspect of looking real when lying and unreal when saying the truth. I've experienced that oftentimes especially asking a lady out, them no go believe say I dey serious not matter how hard I try to show seriousness. It's all cruise 😁

 2 years ago  

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can relate