in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone
How are you all doing?

It's really funny the way things are happening in this my country Nigeria. Many people engage in all sorts of things just to make money.

We were given a task on three things I would do if I become a president. There are lots of things to do once I'm made the president for a day but it's just so unfortunate that I have to pick three out of them.

If we were the President of our country, we would do a lot of things. So, we wanted to know, if you were made president of your country today, what are the first three things you would do for your country.

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First, becoming a president is a very big task and if one is not careful, the bad government will corrupt you once you're on seat. I could remember all the promises made by our leaders during their campaign, how they promised to change many things and how to better the lives of their citizens.

Those promises were broken the very first day they won the election. Most times I do ask myself why the sudden change in character, why have they chosen not to fulfill their promises made to us. There is always a reason for everything, it could be that they wanted to do that but along the lines, they were blinded by the wealth they see and they prefer to have the money just for them and their families, or maybe other reasons attached to it.

I have never thought of ruling a country but if I'm to become the president for just one day, I will change many things that our previous leaders could not do, the three things I will focus on will be:

-Solve the issue of insecurities: the insecurity in Nigeria is becoming too alarming, there's no day that passes by that you won't hear news about kidnapping, murder and all sorts of things that put the citizens in danger. Many people now fear to travel because they don't want to be kidnapped.

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I will make sure that the problem of insecurities is resolved and anyone who refuses to comply with my directives will be removed from the office. We need competent people who will fight for the right of their citizens.

-Solve education related issues: many students are at home because of strike embarked by Academy Staff Union Of Universities (ASUU). This has been happening for years and the government seems to turn deaf ears. Students who are meant to spend 4 years in school end up spending 6 years because of strike which is not supposed to be so. The education system in Nigeria is very poor and not encouraging.

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Also, many schools have increased their school fee payment thereby making the less privileged unable to go to school because they can't afford it.

Once I'm the president, I will make sure that every student get equal rights, no student is meant to be treated unjustly because of money. The issue with strike will have to stop because I will make sure the ASUU are settled and for those Schools that have decided to increase their fee will have to reduce it.

Aside all this, I will also make sure I build free schools and employ qualified teacher that will be taking those who doesn't have money to go to school but they wish to be educated.

-Provide job opportunities: The rate of unemployment is just too much in Niger. Imagine a graduate from a university sitting at home and still eating from his parents pocket, this can be frustrating. Most of the youths that are unemployed engage in all manners of things because of frustration.

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I believe if job opportunities were given to them things will definitely go smoothly and I think the case of rubbery will have to reduce.

Once I'm made the president, I will have to build different companies for the youths to be employed.

Though I won't be able to build companies or schools in just a day, but I will make sure the budgets are implemented and must be carried out with immediate effect.

The joy of a president is to see that the citizens are happy and comfortable. You can't be a president and you watch your people suffer.

Thanks for reading

 2 years ago  

did i see it wrong, you should have used the (hl-) tag don't (hi-) 😊🙏

 2 years ago  

Okay thanks

 2 years ago  

Thanks once again, I have made the corrections

 2 years ago  

next time a president must be thorough.👌

 2 years ago  

I will, thanks

 2 years ago  

These are amazing plans, you are really hitting all the nails on the head.

 2 years ago  

Thank you

 2 years ago  

You are welcome.

 2 years ago  

These are great task to accomplish for one day of being president but it is possible, I pray this opportunity comes some day.

 2 years ago  

I pray so too
Thanks for stopping by

 2 years ago  

You're welcome dear 💙💙

 2 years ago  

Can you just be our President already? You know what we need and I wish our present President knows that and help the situation.

Well, God knows best and we will keep praying... Well done on this one girl 😊

 2 years ago  

Im just waiting for them to appoint me as the president, then action will have commence immediately

Thanks for stopping by

 2 years ago  

Let's be waiting 🤧

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

Maybe I should just write a mail to Buhari to appoint you as our next president 🤔😀

Your intentions are great! May God attend to our heart desires over this nation

 2 years ago  

Thanks for your service

 2 years ago  

The kind of president way we need for 9ja right now 😩

It wouldn't be bad if you become the first female president nah 😃.

I love the fact that you want to see all the citizen happy and smiling.... That's the kind of prayer we have been praying..

 2 years ago  

It will be an honor to be the first female president. Lol

Thanks for stopping by

 2 years ago  

Really, I have seen many write about insecurity, education and corruption. Very well and good one most of us know the problem. You'd make a terrific presido @otuyanancy 😊😁

 2 years ago  

Thank you

 2 years ago  

Splendid plans you have here...

I think I know why most politicians get to office and renege on their promises.

Being a good President entails 2 major things...

  1. Being ruthless when it comes to execution of plans.
  2. Being extremely smart... not book smart oh... I mean, real smart.

Most of our presidents don't meet that criteria...

that is why someone like Paul Kegame of Rwanda is changing the culturescape of the country.

He isn't moved by popular opinion... He is a ruthless executioner.

 2 years ago  

Nice one
Thanks for your contribution, I really appreciate

 2 years ago  

It's a very good thing

 2 years ago  


I think the problem with education here is everything that has to do with education. Both students, teachers, infrastructures, and government... there are major changes that need to be made and I can only hope that they get to it as soon as possible.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

I hope so too
Thanks for stopping by