Beans Addict (Read Up)

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Beans Addict (Read Up)

Today am going to talk about my favorite food or rather my addiction. For Week 3 edition 3 we are asked to write about Our Favourite Food why we love it and how it is prepared.


My Love for beans has gone beyond favorite, it seems I am addicted to beans and I like it that way. I use to love pounded yam and vegetable soup because of the way mum prepares and dishes the meal, it has been my spec until when I don't longer get access to pounded yam again. Mum left very early living behind the three heathy Boys with their Father. Mum was responsible for creating the huge love for Pounded yam but when mum left she took the love along with her.
We hardly pound yam and prepare the delicious vegetable soup mum use to prepare so I gradually lost the love for it.
I got this special childhood friend of mine whose mum owns a petty restaurant, she prepares beans, tuwo masara (Tuwon masara is a corn flour dish eaten specially in the northern part of Nigeria. To prepare tuwon masara you must first of all allow the maize dry which you then take it to an engine to grind it into flour. Tuwo masara in English means “cooked corn meal”.) My friend's mum prepares it very well and also prepares rice too.

I and my friend at his side

Whenever I visit my friend's house, He serves me with beans from his mother's shop, and like I've said his mum was very good at preparing delicious meal. My friend's mum was so kind and soft to me that she doesn't have a problem if I come to eat at her place whenever I am hungry.
Well, that looks like a survival platform for me because often times there will be no food in the house because of the great vacuum Nature decided to unleash on us so I usually go for rescue in her place.
These happened several times leaving me with no option than to fall in love with beans.


For a meal to be your favorite you must definitely have tasted or eaten it several times and have been enjoying it.

You know you can't make what you don't have access to as your favorite, so it is not different in my situation, I had access to beans and I enjoyed eating beans for a while now and to be frank my love for beans has become something else now.
I got so use to eating beans that I could go a week stretch eating beans, yea it's sounding odd but I've tried it in school. Whenever I am buying provisions to go to school, if I am buying 4mudus of rice then beans has to be 6 mudus above. Beans use to be part of almost all my meal, I cook rice with beans, I cook spaghetti with beans, I cook only beans too sometimes so this calls for the high taste for beans. One day my foodstuffs finished and I was left with enough beans so that was how I gradually fufill the act of consuming beans for almost a week and am cool with it.
As it is, several times if I had an opportunity to make choice of meal anywhere it is beans I will choose below is a picture of a delicious beans prepared by my colleague on Industrial Training just for me, within the few moments we shared together in the place of Industrial Training she knew I loved beans alot because of how much I crave for it and can't help talking about it. I usually ganish it with bread too as you can see in the picture.


All of my friends knew me and how much I love beans they sometimes make jest of me on this matter. Below is a picture of the beans I prepared with bread, I posted it on my WhatsApp status and if you check below the picture you will see what one of my friend said about me with my lovely beans and bread.


Here is his response to my post


Below are some of the screenshots of Comments and Posts of my friends regarding this matter.



For the Love of talking about my favorite food which is beans I decided to prepare beans with spaghetti so we can run through a process of preparing my favorite food here.

P.S This is a bachelor's style of preparing quick meals it might not really be a procedure you will be expecting. Lols


I first of all per-boiled the beans to a certain degree to make it soft because beans takes a bit longer to get done than spaghetti or even rice. Originally beans use to take alot of time before it gets done and that's the only little challenge I face while cooking beans but am good with the result that's what matters most to me thou.
So when the beans was a bit soft, I put the spaghetti inside as you can see below.


While I per-boil the spaghetti and beans, I started preparing the available ingredients for my meal as shown below




A lot of people usually blend their tomatoes and pepper but on my own case I sliced them preferably together with the onion bulb.


Just after slicing my ingredients, the spaghetti and beans was soft for washing so I brought it down and washed them because of the starch from the spaghetti but if I was cooking only beans, I will instead wash the beans properly before putting it on fire because I don't throw up the water. The beans water contains a large portion of the nutrients so throwing up the water is just like throwing up alot of nutrients.
But because spaghetti was included here, I had to wash off the starch from the spaghetti before doing the final cooking.

Let me quickly share this method I use to add maggi into my food. This days, maggi cubes specially the star maggi cube is very hard to smash into particles for the food so I usually put my maggi cubes inside the frying red oil and onion. The heat will help melt the maggi cubes and make it spread everywhere around the food without having some area having more concentration of the maggi cube than others. This is a bachelor for you lolss.


After frying the red oil and the maggi I also fried the tomato too.


I finally added a little water into the fried ingredients. I allowed it to warm a little and then put the spaghetti and beans inside and steered up.


After some time my food was ready.



This is the step I took to prepare my meal.


Advantages of beans


Beans is a proteineous food and we know what proteins do in our body system. Protein is a body building food, it helps replace warm out tissues, it also contributes greatly to the amino acid pool.
Protein is an essential part of our diet and deficiency of protein leads to some malnutritional diseases such as kwarshiorkor.
Thank you very much for reading through my Post and I hope to see you again


See this guy o. You think say you pass me chop beans ba?😄

 2 years ago  

😂😂 boss you sef u know say you still de learn work for where I de if na for beans matter now😂😂

Hmm, make I no just talk sha.

 2 years ago  

My Love for beans has gone beyond favorite

This is so funny, when I was in secondary school I always look forward to beans day. Even today I will prepare beans and spaghetti. But another side of it is that I didn't grow so tall as they use to say that beans make chto grow tall

Thank you for sharing and all the best in the contest

 2 years ago  

Lolss... Mine was rice
They told me if I continue eating rice I will be tall very tall😂😂 and I can see how very tall I am now😂😂

 2 years ago  


Don't mind these people ooo

 2 years ago  

very good if you use mushrooms

 2 years ago  

Wow... Haven't tried that before
Where do you stay..?

My brother... you are not alone in this addiction. But this is one addiction I love very much.
I love beans so much that I don't mind eating it all day.
It is good to see a partner in crime😂
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Lolsss... We are on a proteineous journey my brother and trust me this journey will yield a fertile growth... They don't know what's going on, they're missing 😀😀😀

 2 years ago  

I see that you don’t mind eating beans with anything

 2 years ago  

Anything that goes with beans am in my dear... Beans to the moon😁😁💜💙🙌

 2 years ago  

Lol I'm glad I've seen someone else who loves beans. I love it too.

 2 years ago  

Wow... I like people that like beans too😁😁😀😋💜💙🙌
It means I won't have problem visiting your house now😀😀😁😋

 2 years ago  

Hop in anytime 🤣

 2 years ago  

Really... I will love to hop in actually but It seems there isn't hope am getting there
Cus I don't even know where to tell the taxi man am going to😊😊🙌💙